Tuesday, February 14, 2017

The Door

Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the doorI will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. Jesus Rev. 3:20

What is the door that Jesus knocks upon and calls from without? It is the door of our innermost being. Not the door of our persona--that superficial mask that we present to the world--but rather the person, the core of our being, the secret place that no one can access without permission or willing openness.
Sometimes we think we have opened the door and welcomed Him in, and, indeed, we may have certainly done so, receiving Him as our Lord and Savior. But we discover that there are more doors, going deeper into the core of our being.
We discover that there are areas that He has not accessed because we didn't even know that we had these rooms in our soul where there has been worry, unmet needs, frustration and fear. He is knocking on these doors, these deeper doors, and we must continue to open them as they continue to be revealed to us. We have been born into a fallen world, permeated with seemingly limitless variations of deception, worry, fear, vain desires, frustrations, reactionary tendencies at the emotional as well as behavioral level. We are oppressed at deep levels that we are unaware of because these oppressive  spirits have been active in us from birth. Jesus knocks on the door of every room in our soul so that He might liberate us from these oppressive spirits. [Luke 4:18]  He is like a massive, all-powerful anti-virus program that clears away everything in the computer of our soul--all the spiritual viruses we have inherited and picked up in our worldly journey--and creates a new default mode characterized by deep inner peace, a feeling of eternal safety, unencumbered love flowing in and through us. He comes in like a mighty River of Life flowing with pure living water, cleansing away all fear, worry, condemnation and all oppression. He liberates us on progressively deeper levels as we progress in our sanctification. Life experiences continue to reveal and expose these levels of oppression--these doors that have been closed and out of awareness. We thought we could deal with anything, then a crisis occurs that shakes our foundation. We discover that we were building, at least in part, on a superficial foundation, even though we thought we were secure. We then discover anew, on a deeper level, the True Foundation that is underneath all superficial foundations--the Corner Stone, the Ultimate Truth, the Word that was in the beginning with God [John 1:1]. This is a glorious process, and our gracious God has promised to bring it to a glorious completion. [Phl. 1:6]

Saturday, February 11, 2017


If you walk outside and look around, looking deeply into what you see, you will see miracles---countless numbers of them.  Every minuscule piece of life on this earth is an unexplainable, unduplicatable miracle. And you are a miracle of miracles because, of all life on the planet, you alone can contemplate such a thing as a "miracle."
There is a certain epiphany that one experiences when he experiences a miracle--an inner response of awe and wonder and reverence. But because we live in the midst of miracles, contemplating life with a miraculous mind, seeing with miraculous eyes, we become desensitized to that inner feeling, and we walk around yawning, complaining, waiting for a better time. This is a manifestation of evil. Evil is overcome in the pursuit of ultimate Truth. Jesus said "I am the Truth", and He was impatient with humans who wanted to see a "sign" or "miracle" in order to have faith. He realized that they were themselves miracles who had been given life by His Father, God, the Creator, the conscious Core of the universe Who permeates the entire universe, which is His domain.
When we open ourselves to Christ and His teachings--His Living Word--among the countless other gifts we receive, we begin to be reawakened to this epiphany, this awe, wonder and reverence. We become like children who can be amazed at the ripples in the water created by a stone. We begin to celebrate and be thankful for Life, knowing where it has come from and its destination. We begin to Love people with a sincere Love that needs nothing in return, but rejoices in whatever good comes to the other from being loved in that way--the Way. We continue to suffer the tribulations of this world, but in a deeper, more permanent way, we transcend all suffering. We live in a spiritual realm that encompasses all life on the planet, all human experiences, in faith and hope and love, which has become for us an unshakable Foundation; like a depth in the ocean of our lives that cannot be disturbed, even by the hurricanes that pass over the surface. Our heart smiles secretly upon the universe as it is, at one with the universe that is our Father's domain. Now we have come out of darkness into the Light that overcomes all the various darknesses of the soul. Now we are truly free; and we feel free. This way-of-being is accessible to all who believe and continue in His Way.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

The Magnificent Brain

Neurologist Wolf Singer says the brain is like an orchestra without a conductor. When we decide to take our thoughts captive to Christ  [2Cor.10:5], He begins to become the conductor of the orchestra of our mind; and, of course, He makes the most beautiful music imaginable.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Our Hope

Jesus is still leading us, if we will follow Him, into the solution to the human problem. His seeds of Truth are wafting on the wind across the human landscape. They take root, here and there, and transform hearts into what we have the greatest potential of becoming--what we have been created to become. The fact that He is resisted or ignored is the greatest testimony to the reality of evil. He said, among other wonderful transformative truths, "If you continue in my way, then you are my disciples indeed; and you will know the Truth; and the Truth will set you free." Here alone is the hope for the human family.