Tuesday, July 9, 2019

We the People

We the people of the world who are waking up say to all the leaders of all the nations of the earth: We care more about the preservation of all human life---all life itself—and this beautiful earth than we care about nationalism and the power that any people exert over other people. We want peace! We want you to stop threatening other nations and people groups! Especially stop threatening them with nuclear weapons. That is a form of insanity; and insane people don’t deserve to be leaders of nations. Leave them alone and let them do their thing. Just make sure that your thing is based on compassion and good will—not power and control. Use your life energies to serve people—to discover new ways of making life more enjoyable for more people. Do your job and alleviate suffering. For God’s sake, don’t create more of it! Stop using power to maintain power by threatening and intimidating those whom you feel threatened by. Stop using power to amass useless wealth. We want peace on earth, and if you are not working diligently for it, we don’t want you in positions of power. We want you to work together to discover non-violent solutions to the problems that plague humanity.

The time is past for egoistic or nationalistic saber-rattling. The sabers are now too powerful. None of us can afford to use them. We’ve got to learn to collaborate. We all share the same earth. We are all part of the human family. Wake up! Wake up! Listen to the people you are supposed to be serving with compassion and wisdom. Realize that they are all the people of this beautiful earth; not just your constituents or countrymen. We must wake up and realize our unity. We must take seriously that if we do not cultivate our unity in the love that has brought us all into existence, we will suffer greatly in the hatred and fear that divides us. Wake up! Wake up!