Thursday, April 23, 2020


Anxiety flows like a river. You dam it up here and it breaks out over there. It’s like an inner trembling energy that is drawn out like lightning at one perceived threat after another. Then we mistakenly think the perceived threat is the problem rather than the trembling, inner energy. It is like an inner fire that flares up with the gasoline-like dousing of one perceived threat after another. The fire subsides but never goes out. The spark is always there, easily ignited by the hint, shadow or illusion of threat.
Faith and Truth extinguish the fires, again and again, until even the spark is extinguished and the inner trembling energy dissipates and a mysterious, palpable peace arises like mercury in a thermometer on a warm Spring morning; like the dawning of the sun, shining brighter and brighter, warming the very soul; like the slow relaxing of an infant at its loving mother’s breast.