Saturday, August 22, 2020

Jesus and Politics


When Jesus was born, Herod was the king of the Jews [their "president"]. He was so evil that Augustus said that his pigs were safer than his children (because his children potentially threatened his power.) In the Second Chapter of the Gospel of Luke we read about him. When the Magi traveled through Jerusalem, following the star that was leading them to what they had come to understand was the birth of a King, Herod said "Let me know when you find him so I can come and worship him also." His true intent was to murder him. Politics has always had a gruesome side--like life itself. Evil is real; and no arena of life is able to shut it out. Only the heart that has been redeemed and enlightened by the Christ (Who was protected by Divine intervention from the evil intent of Herod and Who has shown us the Way of Truth) can be perpetually protected from evil. This is true because we know, through Christ, that the Way of Life is the Way of Love--the Love that He manifested to the human family, and that He makes available to all who "seek, ask and knock".  Only to the degree that we are motivated by this Love are we free from the ravages and control of evil. His ultimate freedom was evident in His prayer from the Cross: "Father forgive them, for they don't know what they are doing." He was still loving! Nothing--not the hatred, mockery, cruelty, false accusations, abandonment, betrayal, physical torture or being nailed to a Cross --nothing could penetrate His soul of Love for the human family. And what a victory! Even today, on the streets of our violence-torn cities, divided by prejudice, fear and anger, those who are speaking with the clearest and most healing voices are speaking the language of Jesus the Christ. "Love one another! We're all God's children! Pray for one another! We got to stop killin' each other! Stop this violence! Stop it!" Martin Luther King, Jr., that Baptist preacher, knew that violence could never win the day. He was immersed in Jesus' teachings. Preached them repeatedly from the pulpit. Jesus has solved the problem of violence for all who hear and heed His voice: "You have always been taught to love your neighbor and hate your enemies, but I say to you, Love your enemies; bless those who curse you; do good to those who hate you; and pray for those who despitefull use you and persecute you, that you may be the children of your Father in heaven." Mt. 5:44.  Remember: He not only spoke these words, He lived the reality of them!

Until we get to this place of heart and mind, all our solutions will be temporary and restrictive in nature. No politician can redeem the hearts of humans. And no laws, military or police force can totally block evil. Education does not provide spiritual enlightenment. (Hitler was educated and intelligent!)

The solution to our social diseases will not be found in politics, law enforcement or education. These are only helpful to the degree that they are being enacted in a social climate of humans who have been and are being enlightened by the Spirit of Jesus Christ. All other goals and motives are distractions or palliative at best.

In America we have had an unprecedented opportunity to be a "Light on a hill" to the rest of the world; not by proclaiming ourselves to be better, more powerful or more righteous than other peoples, but by taking responsibility for the freedom that we have been given by "Divine Providence" (as our Founding Fathers clearly understood) and using it for the benefit of humankind. Not by selfishly grasping for more and more "rights" or sinking into a quagmire of hedonistic pleasure; but by practicing the spiritual disciplines that are a pathway to and manifestation of the only true freedom that exists: the freedom of the soul that Jesus expressly provides. ("I come to set at liberty those who are oppressed.") We still have this opportunity! But now, as always, the evils of fear and hatred threaten it. Fear and hatred are parasitical, draining away the life-force of Love. And Jesus delivers us from them! I beg you, as one who loves America and desires her to become what God has given her the potential of becoming, join the enduring revolution! Recognize the Lordship of Jesus! I challenge you to try to find a purer, more enlightened pathway than the one He walked and taught. If you can, walk in it! But if you can't, then why waste your time on anything less. Work on behalf of the Christian Faith. Support those who propagate the Gospel of peace around the world. This would be an enlightened thing for even an atheist to do, since the Christian faith infuses any society (like "salt" and "yeast") with freedom and life-enhancing qualities that are good for all--not just Christians.  And when the general population of any nation is predominantly enlightened by Christ, there is peace and harmony among the people. Jesus said, "They will know that you are my disciples by the love that you have for each other."

Please God! This is how we want to be known! May the world see America as a nation of people who sincerely love each other; and who also love the entire human family.

Sunday, August 9, 2020



I have lived a good life. I have loved and been loved by a good woman; a woman who deeply loved and delighted in the children we brought into the world. We delighted in them [and in their children] together. I have found forgiveness and peace and rest in my soul in Jesus Christ, through Whom I have discovered my atonement with our Creator, Who is Love---Love beyond all human love; the Source of all Love and goodness and wisdom and freedom. I have been liberated from fear and the “worries and cares of the world and the desire for riches” as He so eloquently described it. I have known deep and loyal friendships. I am thankful with a deep and growing gratitude. I know that death is my “final victory”--a sometimes daunting doorway to new adventures—another birth. My soul has been awakened to beauty: the unspeakable beauty of womanhood, children, and the infinite beauty of nature. I have wept in grief of all the sorrows of the world and laughed til tears flowed from my eyes. I have helped some brothers and sisters carry their loads down the road, and I have been carried in the arms of human compassion---compassion that has penetrated the wellsprings of my soul from which tears of joy flowed like pure healing waters. I have seen, with eyes clarified by the sincere pursuit of Truth, the colossal battle of good and evil, and have come to rest in the assurance of the ultimate triumph of goodness [if we all do our part!]. Christ, the Cross, and the Resurrection are the supreme icons of this Reality. It is very fitting that we should demarcate all human history by His time on the earth. I have come into a deepening awareness of, and have tried to articulate [I am trying now] the ineffable goodness of life and consciousness. The very fact of our consciousness, our ability to communicate, love, laugh, create, empathize, etc., should be a source of unending amazement and overflowing gratitude. We are a compendium of countless miracles. Every one of the multi-trillion cells composing our bodies is a miracle—every organ; every system working together to maintain our life and consciousness. And we are at one with the earth and universe, which are miracles beyond comprehension. We should be dancing!

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Ultimate Truth


The ultimate Truth is Love.

This Love has been revealed to us by our Creator through Jesus the Christ. We cannot find in human history a greater Love than that which Christ revealed. When we hear Him as He is, our souls resonate with a depth that we know to be eternal Truth or Reality: this Love. Our lives then become the joyful journey of living out this Reality, empowered by the gift of His Holy Spirit. We continue to have weaknesses and failures. We are like the Apostle Paul who confessed that he could not do the good that he willed, and did the evil that he did not want to do. But we realize, along with Paul, that all our sins and weaknesses have been poured over by forgiveness through the atoning blood of Christ. And we have peace with our Creator in Him. That peace is real---not just ink on a page or pixels on a screen—but a living internal reality. He satisfies ALL our cravings. We “thirst no more” as He said.