Sunday, May 28, 2017

Grace and Forgiveness

Grace and forgiveness are a doorway of spiritual growth that we must go through; or rather open wide our hearts to receive. If we do not open our hearts very wide to receive Grace and forgiveness then we will not be able to face the truth about ourselves. And if we cannot face the truth about ourselves we will die spiritually. There is no growth that circumvents Truth; and if an organism isn't growing in some way, it dies.
What happens when we open wide our hearts to receive God's Grace and Forgiveness given through Christ?

A Light comes flooding into our soul, into the deepest core of our being---a warm healing Light that is also like a River—a River of Life that washes away death and everything associated with the darkness. There is no darkness in this Light. No guilt. No fear. No dread of anything, including death and sickness and pain. The Light is the Holy Spirit of Christ Jesus Who has overcome the world of darkness and oppression. In this Spirit is freedom and peace and joy. There is Love for God and man—good will toward all people. As long as we are in touch with this eternal Reality—the Reality of Christ—we remain in this freedom and Love. We realize that this is eternal Reality and that all our fears and worries were and are delusions. As long as we live in this Love we know that, from our standpoint, all is well in the universe because we are doing all that we can for it by loving God and man. We have come home. As we grow in Spirit, we are able to stay in this place for longer periods of time, and even when we are distracted by the “world”, we still know, in our deepest level, that all is well and will ever be well. We know that God is working all things together for our good (Romans 8:28). In this Reality we know that we are now and have always been in the domain of a loving Creator Who is pleased with us because we have received the righteousness of Christ (Romans 3:22, 5:17, 8:10, Philippians 1:11, 3:9 and elsewhere). This righteousness was and is so pure that God spoke in an audible voice from heaven saying, “This is my beloved Son with whom I am well pleased.” (Matthew 3:17) . This is the righteousness we have received from God through and because of Christ. God is pleased with us. We can rest in His gracious acceptance of us. We are content in our souls but not yet satisfied. How can we be satisfied as long as children are starving and humans are killing each other, stealing from each other and abusing and using each other? We realize that we have work to do. This work is motivated only by the Love of Christ—not guilt or fear:  Those have been eradicated by Grace (Ephesians 2:8-10). And this work is a yoke that is easy and a burden that is light (Matthew 11:30). Because of the Holy Spirit in us, we can not have peace unless we are working to further the Kingdom of God. This is the work Christ did on the earth; and it is the work that we, His earthly body, the Church, continue to do. We do this work joyfully and thankfully. (John 15:11, 1Thessalonians 5:18, James 3:18).  

Coming Home To Christ

When we come to Christ we come home. We cross over a great divide and the course of our life changes in a glorious new direction. We enter the pathway of true life. We realize the Truth about life, good, evil, love, and lostness. In some ways, it is only when we come into the Light of Christ that we realize how lost and desperate we were—how dark that darkness was and is.
It's like we were traipsing along our blind pathway and someone came to us and said “You know this road is not going in a good direction.” And we had already hit some pretty bad bumps, gotten some bruises of the heart, etc. so a miracle happened and we listened, and turned onto a new pathway—the pathway of the Love of Christ. And this pathway took us up a winding mountain, and at some point we could look down and see where our old path was taking us. And we were horrified! The old path was full of pitfalls, poisonous spiders, snakes, & camouflaged traps. It was littered with the bones of those who didn't make it out. Some were caught in the traps and webs of the evil one. All the people were miserable, constantly arguing and blaming each other, stealing and killing, using and taking advantage of one another. And the pathway ended at a cliff, falling into a pit of endless fire. From where we stand on this mountain looking down, we are tremendously relieved and joyful that we took the path of Christ. We realize that we would have died, not only physically, but spiritually—the death of the young man in the pig pen before he woke up to Reality. Christ is Reality! He said it Himself: “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father but through me.” Jn14:6.

Then we look again and we see some of our loved ones traipsing along that dangerous old path. We try to warn them. But they think we are too religious or old fashioned or conservative or restrictive. We may even plead with them, but it just makes them feel uncomfortable; and so they travel on. But we cannot go with them, no matter how much we love them. We are on a different path, going in a different direction. Sometimes they are angry and judgmental of us for not "loving" them they way they want to be "loved", but we realize their way will never work for them--something they cannot yet see from within the darkness. We do not blame them or argue with them. But we are following the Lord of all creation, the Lord of Life and eternity, and we can not allow any human to pull us away from the Pathway of Life. It would not help them, and it would be catastrophic for us. So Jesus said that He brings a sword to separate fathers from sons, mothers from daughters, brothers and sisters from each other. (Matthew 10:34-37) He does this--not us! Our desire is unity for the entire human family. But we follow in the Way of Christ, not of man or the world. If we have a loved one who is walking in the lostness of the world and who will not repent, they are walking in a different direction than we can allow ourselves to walk. So we do our best to sow good seeds of Truth in them, hoping they will take root and grow in them at some point, and we continue on in Christ's Way, with some sadness in our hearts--a sadness that we can feel fading in the eternal joy and peace of the heavenly existence that Christ promised, and is fulfilling in us. The peace that only He can give. The peace of knowing, with fading doubt, that we have come home and we are going home. And we will not fail to make it all the way.

Friday, May 26, 2017


The sufferings, trauma and losses that we experience in life that create vacuous holes and deep wounds in our souls, when faced in faith, hope and love, shape our personalities in a very beautiful way, making us more compassionate, wise and strong, and connecting us more deeply with the entire human family that shares in these sufferings.  Life has a raw edge of pain. People vary in their sensitivity to this raw edge of pain. [Some of the most sensitive we label mentally ill.] It causes some to hate; others to love.

Monday, May 15, 2017

Christianity: Global Religion

In Renaissance: The Power of the Gospel However Dark the Times, well-known evangelical Os Guinness claims that Christianity is the world's first truly global religion. He cites five facts in support of his thesis:

1. Jesus of Nazareth has the greatest number of followers of any religion on planet Earth.
2. The church is the most diverse community on the earth.
3. The Bible is the most translated book in human history.
4. Churches are the most numerous social service agencies across the world.
5. In many parts of the world, the Christian faith is the fastest growing religion and is growing through conversion rather than simply through the birth rate.

Yale history professor Kenneth Scott Latourette said of Christianity, "More than any other power in history it has impelled men to fight suffering, whether that suffering has come from disease, war or natural disasters. It has built thousands of hospitals, inspired the emergence of nursing and medical professions, and furthered movements for public health and the relief and prevention of famine."