Grace and
forgiveness are a doorway of spiritual growth that we must go
through; or rather open wide our hearts to receive. If we do not open
our hearts very wide to receive Grace and forgiveness then we will
not be able to face the truth about ourselves. And if we cannot face
the truth about ourselves we will die spiritually. There is no growth
that circumvents Truth; and if an organism isn't growing in some way,
it dies.
What happens when we
open wide our hearts to receive God's Grace and Forgiveness given
through Christ?
A Light comes
flooding into our soul, into the deepest core of our being---a warm
healing Light that is also like a River—a River of Life that washes
away death and everything associated with the darkness. There is no
darkness in this Light. No guilt. No fear. No dread of anything,
including death and sickness and pain. The Light is the Holy Spirit
of Christ Jesus Who has overcome the world of darkness and
oppression. In this Spirit is freedom and peace and joy. There is
Love for God and man—good will toward all people. As long as we are
in touch with this eternal Reality—the Reality of Christ—we
remain in this freedom and Love. We realize that this is eternal
Reality and that all our fears and worries were and are delusions. As
long as we live in this Love we know that, from our standpoint, all
is well in the universe because we are doing all that we can for it
by loving God and man. We have come home. As we grow in Spirit, we
are able to stay in this place for longer periods of time, and even
when we are distracted by the “world”, we still know, in our
deepest level, that all is well and will ever be well. We know that
God is working all things together for our good (Romans 8:28). In
this Reality we know that we are now and have always been in the
domain of a loving Creator Who is pleased with us because we have
received the righteousness of Christ (Romans 3:22, 5:17, 8:10,
Philippians 1:11, 3:9 and elsewhere). This righteousness was and is
so pure that God spoke in an audible voice from heaven saying, “This
is my beloved Son with whom I am well pleased.” (Matthew 3:17) .
This is the righteousness we have received from God through and
because of Christ. God is pleased with us. We can rest in His
gracious acceptance of us. We are content in our souls but not yet
satisfied. How can we be satisfied as long as children are starving
and humans are killing each other, stealing from each other and
abusing and using each other? We realize that we have work to do.
This work is motivated only by the Love of Christ—not guilt or
fear: Those have been eradicated by Grace (Ephesians 2:8-10). And
this work is a yoke that is easy and a burden that is light (Matthew
11:30). Because of the Holy Spirit in us, we can not have peace
unless we are working to further the Kingdom of God. This is the work
Christ did on the earth; and it is the work that we, His earthly
body, the Church, continue to do. We do this work joyfully and
thankfully. (John 15:11, 1Thessalonians 5:18, James 3:18).
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