Saturday, May 30, 2020

Democracy and Christian Evangelism

“Through much of the last century, America's faith in freedom and democracy was a rock in a raging sea. Now it is a seed upon the wind, taking root in many nations.” George W. Bush, Jan., 2001.
The media is that wind. And we now have the opportunity to sow the seeds of democracy, and the personal freedom that it provides, to all the people of earth. But it should be the people, the common folk, not the government who sow those seeds. In other nations where tyranny reigns, the government sings its praises and intimidates the populace to do the same. Fear is induced to keep the people singing those false praises---false because in secrecy those people whisper about the hypocrisy of their government. Their “loyalty” is loud in proportion to their fear of disloyalty. They force themselves to believe that which they dare not disbelieve. In America there is no fear of disloyalty to the government, and God forbid that there ever should be. But there should be loyalty, free and uncoerced, because this nation has brought something very valuable into the world—unprecedented prosperity and personal freedom. We have the blessing of a government that is divided against itself--something we should celebrate rather than lament. The governments of North Korea, Russia and China are not divided against themselves. Division is not allowed. Everyone must be loyal to the one party, which comprises the government in its entirety. There can be no dissenting voices. And there is no power above the government—no “one nation under God” from Whom our “inalienable rights” come [not the government].The division and dissension within American politics keeps the government from gaining the power to erode the freedoms of its citizens. Unity in government is not something our Founders envisioned, but rather the good governance that is forged in the fires of open dissension—freedom of speech and press; three branches and eventually two parties to contribute to the spreading of power. Let the politicians ramble on while we enjoy the freedoms their wranglings have afforded us , and let’s tell the world what a good thing we’ve got here and encourage them to read our wonderful Constitution [and we should read it more ourselves, and celebrate it and protect it as it has protected us for two centuries—something no other system of government can claim.] We must not stop examining ourselves as a nation, and exposing our sins. This is necessary in maintaining our republican democracy. But if we define ourselves by our problems and fail to see the tremendous good that has come through our Founding Fathers and this nation, then we will not have the loyalty and healthy national pride necessary to be all that we have the potential of becoming, not only for ourselves but for all the peoples of earth living under tyranny. We must fight against self loathing and wallowing in regret and self condemnation. We must stop looking for the person, people or party to blame. We must look instead to the amazing accomplishment of our Founders: they were geniuses of government with a profound understanding of the dangers of power. We must receive with gratitude all they have given us and take it to new levels, as we have in fact been doing [the Civil War and the Rights Movements for women and Afro-Americans]. We the people must be good, which the French historian DeTocqueville recognized as the source of our strength. We need the vitality of an authentic and sincere Christian faith nourishing that goodness. Without it we drift, unanchored into many forms of darkness such as we see in its evolved forms in other nations and in the worst of ourselves. We need to be sincere in understanding Jesus Christ—His teachings and His heart. And we must try to spread this understanding to the world—to encourage the increase of the Family and Kingdom that He instituted and informs. This is parallel to being evangelical about democracy and our blessed form of government because, just as our democracy was born and nurtured in the fertile soil of Judeo-Christianity, only in that same fertile environment can democracy thrive. This is true because governments do not transform the human heart. They can only enslave or constrain it by force. Only Christ transforms the heart of a human, making him someone who can be a safe and proper steward of freedom. Without the constraints of the Love of Christ, there can ultimately be no freedom. The human heart is too fraught with evil seeds that subtly grow, without those constraints, into something that is monstrous and destructive for the human family. Surely we have enough recorded history and evening news reports to convince even the most optimistic humanitarian of this truth.
I am a proponent of Christianity because I am so thankful for what has been wrought in its Spirit, both for me and my loved ones personally, but, on a larger scale, for the government that was born in its Spirit; a government that has provided its citizens unprecedented freedom and prosperity. I am alarmed to see the fading of the Light of Christ in our nation. I see in this spiritual regression the natural parallel of national shame and self-loathing—a deep unrest that strains for change, just as happened in the Bolshevik Revolution, which led to millions of deaths to forge a new government that has now crumbled under the weight of a different manifestation of the same evil that it sought to destroy---an evil that is undiscernable and overpowering outside of Christ. I pray for a new awakening of reverence for Christ, love for each other and gratitude to replace the insufferable suffering of entitlement, feelings of victimhood and deprivation. I pray that we will come to see Christianity as the amazing, liberating and empowering gift that it truly is---perhaps the only theology on earth that has the power to deliver us from the worst that is in us while preserving the beautiful uniqueness of various personalities, cultures, races and nations. I pray we can see the revolutionary power in the Spirit of Christ to channel our desire for a better world in the only healthy direction---away from hatred, blaming and the violent attacks against the old order in order to establish the new, accompanied always by bloodshed and misery, leading only to doomed new forms of the old order, managed by a younger generation of blind fools who thought they were doing the world a favor, or, better, laying in the bloody dust of defeat like the Nazis, having been overcome by a better and more powerful force, which is no less vulnerable to the same subtle evil that blossomed into Nazi Germany, Stalin’s Russia, and even North Korea. Christianity in its true manifestation is our national immune system against such regression. I don’t see what can substitute for it except more laws and more powerful enforcement of those laws, constraining the growing frustrations and hatred of people who cannot love each other through their differences as Christ commands.
Mark Graham 5/30/20

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Little Boys

I've known little boys. Little boys are transformative.
They transform oil-slicked water into rainbows.
They transform roadside ditches into rivers with minnows, tadpoles, frogs, and occasional wonderful snakes!
They transform clouds into elephants, horses, dragons, and butterflies.
They transform the neighbor's yard into a battlefield where you can be chased down and tickled or attacked by a bear.
They transform weeping willow branches into a jungle.
They transform kitchens into balloon bouncing marathon arenas.
They transform walks into adventures.
They transform sofas into wrestling rinks or mountain cliffs,
And driveways into race tracks.
They transform quiet, dark houses into bright rousing circuses.
I've known little boys.
Little boys have transformed my world.
Mark Graham 4/20/20