What I love about America:
The best that is
available to all humans is free. Why should we fight for what is free
and available to all? America does not fight to impose its will upon
others. We do fight to protect and keep the blessings of freedom and
democracy for ourselves, and we do the best we can to make sure that
these blessings are available to the people of earth--- to those who
desire them. The best that America has discovered and appropriated is
what we are trying to give to the world. Those who fight against
America, or who consider America their enemy, fight against the loss
of power to a free people. They fear freedom; and if they are
addicted to power, they hate it. America has not always used its
freedom wisely and compassionately. We admit that. And America’s
enemies point to our licentiousness and entitlement as reasons to
stand against her. Our contemptuous conflict and division gives our
enemies fuel for the fire of their contempt of us, and it empowers
them in their efforts to exclude their citizens from the blessings we
enjoy and offer to the world. Our civil unity amidst our differences
is perhaps our greatest asset, and a necessary element of democracy.
What we are learning [sometimes painfully slowly] is that freedom of
the soul converts into material prosperity. This is true because
freedom of soul means that the soul is free from fear, greed and the
lust for things in the world that are ultimately contrary to the
forward movement of the human family. The soul is only ultimately
free when it is supremely motivated by Love for the entire human
family, which is a manifestation of and product of Love for the God
Who gives us all life. [The Bible says that “God is Love.” ] And
when people generally live in an atmosphere of consciously chosen
Love---respect, kindness, civility, honesty, compassion, patience,
goodwill, etc.---this prosperity of soul manifests outwardly as
material prosperity--everyone has what they need. And this is true,
not because a governmental power tries to force it or make it happen,
but rather it issues out of the Love in individual hearts who work
peacefully together to insure it. It is a process that is not “top
down” but rather “grassroots” so to speak. Socialism and
communism do not trust that this can happen. Democracy does. It is a
brave venture of faith in humans to govern themselves, or more
deeply, to be governed by the internal Law of Love. No governmental
system will work ultimately without this internal motive in the
hearts of the governed. Those who are motivated by the base desires
of human blindness must be controlled by power and fear. Spiritual
immaturity [not the lack of education] leads to tyranny. Education is
only valuable to the degree that it fosters spiritual maturity.
Knowledge without wisdom can be dangerous. Our Founders instituted
free public education specifically so that young citizens would be
able to read the Bible and hold future law makers accountable to its
precepts. {Google “The Old Deluder Satan Act”}.
What I love about
America is that it has provided us a magnificent opportunity to be
out from under governmental tyranny long enough to expand the limits
of spiritual growth in an environment of prosperity, which presents
its own subtle and powerful temptations. What can we do with our
freedom besides trying to accumulate wealth and pursue pleasure? [It
is clear now that these pursuits do not lead to happiness.] With our
freedom and our prosperity, what can we unselfishly offer the world?
How can we use our freedom and prosperity to facilitate the
psycho-spiritual evolution of the human family?
I see and feel in
the Christian Faith—in Christ Himself---the culmination of all the
good I see in all world religions and philosophies. And I am free, in
America, to practice Christianity openly and to even openly encourage
it [that is ,Christ] to the world. We can know that America is truly
a free nation as long as this continues to be true because a true
Christian can never be a slave to tyranny. That is precisely why
tyrants hate the Bible and kill Christians. This is what I love about