It makes sense that a loving God would not want His
children, created in His image and given foreknowledge of death, to live in
fear of it. Jesus’ teachings are so pure
and selfless, His birth so unpretentious, His life so beautifully lived in the
dark arena of human suffering; how can we not trust Him and those He discipled
to be honest about life after death? And how perfect of our heavenly Father to
confirm it all by raising Him from the dead as a testimony to the human family
of His place as Savior and Friend. If you have doubts about the Resurrection, I
encourage you to do an intellectually sound in-depth study of it. Our Faith is founded upon it.
Lord, I sometimes have
doubts about Your resurrection. But there is so much evidence, and Your
teachings resonate such Truth for the human family, how could I think You or
Your devoted followers would be deceptive about anything? Please help me
resolve my doubts and come down firmly and finally on the peaceful and secure
foundation that frees me from the fear of death. Thank You for not leaving us
in the darkness about death. Today please empower me to be a joyful, peaceful
servant to the glory of Your Kingdom.
“The disciples . . . were convinced of the resurrection because Jesus appeared to them in person. He invited them to touch the nail prints in His hands. He cooked breakfast for them and ate with them. He talked with them about the future of the church. He appeared to 500 of them at the same time and ascended into heaven before their very eyes. That’s why every single disciple was willing to die for the truth that Jesus had literally conquered the grave. The evidence for the resurrection both in the Biblical record and the historical accounts of the disciples’ martyrdom is so overwhelming that those who honestly examine the record usually conclude it happened just as recorded in Scripture. Easter is not a religious myth that’s been embellished over time, it’s an actual event that is the hinge of history”–Bob Russell.
"When Jesus was crucified, his followers were discouraged and depressed. So they dispersed. The Jesus movement was all but stopped in its tracks. Then, after a short period of time, we see them abandoning their occupations, regathering and committing themselves to spreading a very specific message--that Jesus Christ was the Messiah of God who died on a cross, returned to life, and was seen alive by them.
"And they were willing to spend the rest of their lives proclaiming this, without any payoff from a human point of view. They faced a life of hardship. They often went without food, slept exposed to the elements, were ridiculed, beaten, imprisoned. And finally most of them were executed in torturus ways. For what? For good intentions? No because they were convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that they had seen Jesus Christ alive from the dead."
J.P. Moreland quoted by Lee Stroble, The Case for Easter, in the "Conclusion".
“The disciples . . . were convinced of the resurrection because Jesus appeared to them in person. He invited them to touch the nail prints in His hands. He cooked breakfast for them and ate with them. He talked with them about the future of the church. He appeared to 500 of them at the same time and ascended into heaven before their very eyes. That’s why every single disciple was willing to die for the truth that Jesus had literally conquered the grave. The evidence for the resurrection both in the Biblical record and the historical accounts of the disciples’ martyrdom is so overwhelming that those who honestly examine the record usually conclude it happened just as recorded in Scripture. Easter is not a religious myth that’s been embellished over time, it’s an actual event that is the hinge of history”–Bob Russell.
"When Jesus was crucified, his followers were discouraged and depressed. So they dispersed. The Jesus movement was all but stopped in its tracks. Then, after a short period of time, we see them abandoning their occupations, regathering and committing themselves to spreading a very specific message--that Jesus Christ was the Messiah of God who died on a cross, returned to life, and was seen alive by them.
"And they were willing to spend the rest of their lives proclaiming this, without any payoff from a human point of view. They faced a life of hardship. They often went without food, slept exposed to the elements, were ridiculed, beaten, imprisoned. And finally most of them were executed in torturus ways. For what? For good intentions? No because they were convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that they had seen Jesus Christ alive from the dead."
J.P. Moreland quoted by Lee Stroble, The Case for Easter, in the "Conclusion".
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