Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Gov't Shutdown: Message to my Representative

Steve, Thank you for being a calm and reasonable voice for the common good. I am a conservative, Southern Baptist Republican. I voted for you. I did not vote for Obama. But I don't like the way the Tea Partiers are doing business. It seems to me it's gotten too personal, and they are becoming what they accuse Obama of being: power mongers trying to shove something down the throat of government and the American people. It's alarming. Moreover, though leary at first, I am beginning to see the feasibility of Affordable Care. My son, who has been without insurance and unable to afford it, will now have at least catastrophic coverage. I say lets work with it [Obama Care], and tweak it to make it work for the American people rather than throwing the whole thing out and starting back at ground zero, which was not a good place, as you know. I think there are probably millions who are discovering that Affordable Care isn't the monster it was first thought to be. My message to those who are holding up government to defund Obama Care: "You don't prevent a "train wreck" by causing a worse one." Please do all you can to get our gov't back on track, and into a more collaborative mindset. Respectfully, Mark Graham, Ed.D. LPC

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