Sunday, April 13, 2014

Palm Sunday


Today is Palm Sunday. Read about it in Matthew 21, Mark 11, Luke 19, and John 12.

Jesus road into Jerusalem on a young donkey while people laid palm and other branches and garments in his path. They were saying:

“Hosanna. Blessed is He Who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!”

It was almost a direct quote from Psalm 118, written 1000 years earlier. And it was the fulfillment of the prophesy of Zechariah [Ch. 9] written 500 years earlier.

Hosanna is an interesting expression. In the Hebrew it was a call out for salvation: “Lord, save!” “Help us!” “Rescue us!” “Save, I pray!”

It evolved in meaning however to a shout of jubilation: “The Lord saves!”

If we implore God in the first since of the word “Hosanna”, we will praise him with the second meaning of the word. If I cry out from my heart, “Hosanna! Lord, save me!”, I will eventually shout forth a praise to Him and all the world “Hosanna! the Lord saves!”

It's the fulfillment of the Scripture which says, “He who calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved” [Joel 2; Acts 2; Romans 10]. Also, “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” And, “Seek and you will find....”

JESUS SAVES! Have you seen those bumper stickers? From my personal standpoint, I know that He does. From what? Well, how has it been for the human family since the Fall? Not too rosy, eh?

Have you studied history? Have you watched the News? Have you just looked around?

A man said to me once “We [humans] are an ornery bunch.” Yep. Do I need to make a list for you?

Wars. Murder. Rape. Domestic violence. Street violence. Political corruption. Greed. Sad, daily routines. Materialistic blindness. Fear. Guilt. Shame. Addictions. Meaninglessness. Hard hearts. Vicious criticism. Hatred. Prejudice. Infidelity. Power-hunger. Pride. Narcissism. Laziness. Entitlement. Chronic anger or frustration. You can probably add to this list from your own life.

These are the things that make being in but not of the world a glorious thing. [Jn17:14]

The day after His Triumphal Entry, He cleansed the Temple [Mk. 11:15f]. He went into a not too holy place, and made it holier. That's what he did to/for me. And that's what He continues to do every time I open my heart to Him and say “Hosanna! Save me!” He comes in and redirects my wayward thoughts. He casts out my laziness, lust, and critical judgments. He reminds me that I am, in spite of my sinful nature, loved amazingly. And that I have purpose and meaning that carries eternal significance.

The real Triumphal Entry was when He rode into my heart.

And the real Temple Cleansing is what He did [and continues to do] inside of me.

And I hope you can say, along with me and countless others, “Hosanna in the highest!! The Lord saves!”

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