Thursday, September 18, 2014

Biblical Prophecy Accuracy [Link]

Links to Accuracy of Bible prophecy

[below cited from Sid Roth, They Thought For Themselves, 2009]
Hundreds of Bible predictions have come true already. And the scientific dating of the Dead Sea Scrolls proves no one entered these predictions after the events.  For instance, God said He would bless the Jewish nation beyond any people that ever lived if they were obedient to His laws [Deut. 28:1]. However, if they disobeyed, they would lose their country, be persecuted and scattered to the four corners of the earth; and wherever they fled, they would be persecuted  [Deut. 28: 36-7; Isa. 11:12; Deut. 28:65].  The Bible says that even though many of the disobedient Jews would suffer and die, they would always be preserved as a distinct people [Jer. 31:36].  The Jews endured 1900 years without a homeland, suffering persecution in all places of residence, yet they were miraculously not assimilated into the various cultures/nations in which they lived. In this century, 1948, their homeland has been restored [see Jer. 16:14-15]. 
Amos said once they returned, they would rebuild the waste cities [9:14].  Today, the cities of Israel are built upon other ancient cities. Tel Aviv is as modern a cosmopolitan city as any in the world.  Isaiah said the desert would blossom as a rose [Isa 35:1]. Israel reportedly exports more roses to Europe than any other nation.  Ezekiel prophesied the reforestation of Israel [Ezek. 36:8]. And Isaiah tells us "The burning sand will become a pool, the thirsty ground a bubbling spring." [Isa. 35:7]. Israel has developed the technology to bring underground water to the surface, supporting the growth of vegetation in the barren desert. The water is warm, enabling growth in even the cold seasons. 
Two hundred years before Cyrus, king of Persia during the Captivity, was born, Isaiah identified him by name [Isa. 44:28; 45:1,13]. How did Isaiah know his name?; and moreover, how did God get a heathen to restore Jerusalem? 

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