Fear has two sides:
the up side and the down side. You can live under fear or you can
live on top of it. The Truth moves you from the underside to the
upperside. But there's fear in facing the Truth. If you haven't
experienced fear in the pursuit of Truth, I don't think you've ever
really pursued it. It's possible to be lost in this world and not
even know you are lost. That's a terrible lostness. It's like a man
working hard, really hard, to get somewhere and then discovering that
it wasn't what he wanted when he got there. So he starts working
really hard to get out of that place and on to another place that
won't be any more satisfying than the place he left. That's one
description of the many ways a person can be lost and not even know
that he is lost. But you can also be lost and know that you're lost,
or suspect that you might be. A little fear [or a lot of it] kicks in
at that point. And that's a very good thing. It's good to be afraid
if you don't know what you're doing or where you're going and what's
gonna be there when you get there. It's good to have some fear in
that situation. John Newton in the magnificent hymn “Amazing Grace”
wrote, “Twas Grace that taught my heart to fear.” Think about
that for a minute. He was glad he came to a place of fear. But if we
face the fear of the Truth—if we don't let that fear stop us from
pressing on deeper and deeper and deeper into the pursuit of ultimate
Truth—we get to the place where that fear is relieved: “And
Grace my fears relieved”. We begin to see that we are at one with
the universe that we did not create, thinking with minds that we did
not generate, moving around in bodies that are magnificent beyond our
ability to understand, in a living world where all life is
interdependent and things are in an amazing state of delicate and yet
durable balance that makes all life possible, and that this situation
does not seem to be at all common in the small portion of the
universe that we can glimpse into; like a beetle walking up to the
edge of the Grand Canyon. We begin to see that the trait that we
esteem most highly in ourselves is what all this is about: Love. And we
see something warring against it in our own personalities. And we
know this warring faction [let's call it evil, since it works against
Love] is important because if it weren’t here we would not be free;
and we recognize freedom to be something very good, like Love; and in
the same order of things as Love. And so we begin to see that even
evil is here because of the Love that has brought all things into
existence—the Love that sets creatures free. And even though we see
that this evil force is powerful and something to be seriously
reckoned with, we need not fear it because it is under the domain of
the greater Force of Love—the creative Force from which all has
come and in Whose domain we live, move and have our being. We begin
to see that this Love is like light, and the evil dark. And light has
precedence over dark. And that's when we move to the upperside of
fear. That's when we recognize that we don't need the fear to
motivate us any more because now we have Love to motivate us—because
that's what we have chosen with the freedom that was given to us.
And something major shifts and quakes [the angels in heaven rejoice]
when we make that decision; and when we decide that we will always
and forevermore be continuing to make that decision, because when we
decided it, we felt like we'd come home: and indeed we had.
This is how Jesus
said these things
“If you continue
in my way you will know the Truth, and it will make you free.”
“You are my
friends if you do what I command you. This is what I command you:
that you love one another, as I have loved you and given my life for
The Bible says that
“God is Love.” And that “there is no fear in Love”, but that
“perfect Love casts out fear.”
Jesus said [brace
yourself!] “I am the Truth.” And He also said to those who
believe in Him, “I am in you, and you are in me, and I am in the
Father.” The “Father” is the conscious,
beyond-all-comprehension, creative core and transcendent sustainer of
this universe. In Jesus, we are at one with Him. And there is no fear
that does not evaporate in that Light.
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