Saturday, March 4, 2017

Confession and Prayer

I'm weak and stupid.
I know it.
Apathetic and lazy.
I'm a victim of this opulent culture. It's opulence has permeated my soul like the pollution in the air and water. Like cancer cells, it grows in me. I am not separate from it. I am not holy.

But I have this mustard seed of faith.
I know that You are the Messiah—God in the flesh. I know that Your Spirit also resides in me.
Please help me to draw up into You in me; like a snail drawing into its shell.
I want to be safe from this world, even while still in it. I want to be like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego—safe and without even the smell of smoke on them in the fiery furnace.
Cleanse me inwardly from all unrighteousness, according to Your glorious promise.
Make me to be a man after Your heart.
Let me feel Your redemptive Love cleansing me, cleansing me, cleansing me.
Please forgive me!
I want to love with Your Love. I know that that Love, that Spirit is the answer to all human problems.
Yet I still sit, and do nothing. Or get lost in the distractions of this opulence. Or I rest on the laurels of my meager past works for Your Kingdom's glory; taking the glory unto my prideful, lazy self.
Or I allow the evil one to convince me that, because of all this, I am no good for the Kingdom, too unworthy to help, so I meekly keep my mouth shut when You would have me speak.

I ask You now, in this moment, please deliver me from this quagmire of selfish lostness.
Bring me into the Light of Your Glorious Truth and Love that drives away all darkness, liberates, strengthens and cleanses.
Purge me in the Consuming Fire that burns away all that is not free, peaceful, joyful, loving and fit for heaven. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit so that today I may be a new creature; all this old baggage having been burned to ashes and blown away by Holy Spirit fire and wind.
Thank You eternally for assuring me in Your Holy Word that You do these things, perform these glorious miracles of Love, cleanse us, make us whole and righteous, use us for the glory of Your Kingdom. Please Lord, deliver us from evil and keep us in Your perfect Way.

Today, by Your Grace, I will walk in the Love and Freedom of Christ my Lord!

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