Friday, October 20, 2017


I had scampered with the other mice-men under the canopy of the earth-forest, nose to the ground in search of the next morsel, for such a long time. The forest, once fresh and promising, had become moldy, too humid or too arid; all the paths were worn, going to places I'd been before—not much there to go for. My soul began to shrivel like a nut buried under winter snow.
Then one day it occurred to me to look up. I'd never considered the Sun shining down on top of the canopy. It dawned in me that I had not done this: I did not create myself or this magnificent earth-forest. When I looked deeply into myself and into the broad and finite details of the forest, I was penetrated by a deep humility, and in that spirit, looked up in open-hearted gratitude.
A shaft of Light shone through an opening in the canopy, and for the first time I felt that Light penetrate into my heart and begin lifting me upward above the canopy, above the forest, above the towns, countryside and cities, above all the movements, accomplishments, failures and establishments of humankind in all history. I was taken onward in this Living Light, into another transcendent realm where I began to merge with the Light in ecstatic love, peace and freedom that were perfect and yet growing. The only shadow in this Light was a certain sorrow in my heart as I looked down upon the way I'd been living under the canopy, seeing so many others still scampering down those paths that I had traveled, knowing, now, where they led.
But in this Light, even that sorrow began to fade as I was led to a Cross, and a Holy One approaching it. He invited me to come into Him, and I was drawn like a meteor by earth's gravity, glad to feel myself being burned away, like that meteor, in the atmosphere of perfect peace and love—becoming one with the Light from which emanates all light. I still felt the heaviness of my own sin—my selfishness and laziness and weakness, as I felt myself being lifted up, with Him, on the Cross. I felt the blood, and with it my sin, draining out of my body. As it drained I felt lighter and freer than ever, with this ever-growing peace. I opened myself totally to this joyful death…. into Life!

And now, I am crucified with Christ, yet I live! And the Life I now live, I live by faith in Him who loves me and gave His Life for me. (Gal. 2:20). And now my path is like the light of dawn that is shining brighter and brighter toward the full light of day. [Proverbs 4:18].  

Blind Arrogance

He answered and said, “Whether He is a sinner or not I do not know. One thing I know: that though I was blind, now I see.”  ... (Spoken by the blind man whom Jesus healed.)
They answered and said to him, “You were completely born in sins, and are you teaching us?” And they cast him out.   John 9: 25,34 (The response of the blind and arrogant religious and political leaders of Jesus' day.)

There is a form of intellectual pride that despises the authority of Jesus. But it cannot refute the power of Christ to deliver, heal and set the soul free, so its only recourse is to repress Christianity with power. The enlightening story in John, Chapter 9 elucidates and exposes this prideful arrogance. And it is being demonstrated to a growing degree in American culture. This is evidenced in our Congress when potential candidates' constitutional rights are being violated by religious tests used to determine fitness of service; and, in this context, basic truths about the Christian faith are being labeled "intolerant" or "bigotry".  (Reference is made to Sen. Bernie Sanders confirmation hearing interview with Russell Vought, President Trump's nominee for deputy director of the Office of Management and Budget at See also:  )

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God." (Jesus, John 3:16-18)

The same Jesus who tells us that the God of this universe loves us enough to sacrifice His only Son for us, and who commands us to love each other and even to love and pray for our enemies (Mt.5:44), also tells us that those who reject Him are condemned. This is a Christian belief because Jesus stated it! We do not have the authority to change, subdue or minimize it; and any governmental entity that pressures us to do so is repressive and unconstitutional.
I emphasize that the Christian faith does not condone violence against unbelievers, and they have no need to fear it. Contrarily, it seems evident that, if the scales ever tilt in the direction of Islamic political power, sharia law will dominate, and Americans will get a taste of real intolerance, fortified by violence against "apostates and infidels". And the suppression of Christianity clears the field for this shift of power to occur. It is, therefore, suicidal, as far as democracy is concerned, to suppress the Christian faith--something our Founding Fathers were well aware of, prompting them to ascertain the free expression of religion and recognizing religion as a pillar of democracy. And the only religion they would have been referring to, evidenced in their writings, personal and public, is Christianity. Christianity, not just religion, is organic to democracy. And if that root is cut off or undernourished to the point of withering, democracy will also wither. Christianity is not intolerant. It has always and will always be a vital enhancer of freedom and quality of life when lived out according to its Founder and namesake. From this standpoint, any force that suppresses it is, at root, evil and contrary to ultimate human good.  Fear of Christianity is based on ignorance, as anyone who has a deep knowledge of Christ and His teachings can attest. Christ had, and has no interest in earthly power other than that rendered freely by His followers. He resisted being made a king. He came to deliver and give life; not to dominate and control. But those who see Him as He is, and come into His freedom, can never be made subject to the repressive powers of man's governments; which is why the Bible is excluded and Christ persecuted in every repressive nation on earth. And it is the Love of God, manifested through Christ's earthly body, that sends missionaries into these dark nations and cultures, even at the peril of their lives--to set them free! Not to dominate or control them. I state summarily, based upon a lifetime's devotion to Christ and His teachings and Spirit, and having had intimate contact with countless people who have followed Him to great avail, that anything--any power, person, corporation, governmental entity, etc.--that represses or diminishes or suppresses the sincere and bona fide following of Christ Jesus is a manifestation of evil in that it is contrary to the advancement of life, liberty and happiness in the human family that results from what Jesus called a "new birth" and "salvation". Billions of people have experienced this as an inner felt reality, to the point that they proselytized in the face of persecution; many to the point of death. Thankfully there is no man-made hammer big enough to destroy the Christian faith. All efforts only refine and strengthen it. As Jesus said, "The gates of hell shall not prevail against it."

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Warrior/Prophet Spirit

In the dark times, evil flaunts itself and struts across the stages of the world, and people applaud it as a new form of freedom. “Religion is repressive!” it shouts, and it gives some bona fide examples of this half-truth that sadly turns many away from the Source of Life, which is the only legitimate goal of true religion. But the pendulum swings too far—the baby is expelled with the bath water. In the name of “progress” the door is opened for all manner of evil to infiltrate the hearts of those who are bereft of the discernment of spiritual Truth—the Truth of Christ. His Spirit, the nation's immune system, no longer protects us from hatred, greed and fear; and all that's left is the struggle for power, Satan's counterfeit for the security that permeates a life of Love and the desire for the common good.

And so I'm angry. I'm angry because I love this nation that, to me, has been like the Promised Land, flowing with milk and honey. But even here, in a nation that professes to be “under God”, we see what happens when men don't pray and live with the humility that recognizes that human wisdom is not adequate. Human wisdom births the Vietnam war. Godly wisdom births the Civil Rights movement. Human wisdom births economic collapse corroded by greed. Godly wisdom births a government with built in checks and balances to protect from the corrosion of the love of power. Fear births weapons of mass destruction. Only Godly wisdom will protect us from their ultimate, insane use. Human wisdom cannot stop violence in the streets. Godly wisdom, flowing through the loyal Christian churches on those streets, takes a stand against that violence and imparts compassion and harmony. Human wisdom sees itself as the highest intellect, neglecting the fact that it did not create itself. It claims the conscious-less cosmic dust and gasses as its father—convenient for the narcissist, power monger and those who want no accountability. I'm angry because I see Christ and His teachings ignored or reviled—looked down upon as something “intolerant” or antiquated. I see Christianity being pushed into a corner. And it's time for the prophetic voice—the voice of Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Amos—to come forth warning those who are stumbling along the destructive path. It's time for hard heads, clear minds and compassionate hearts to stand forth firmly in the grace of Jesus, motivated only by His Love, overcoming the fear of public opinion, willing to be spat upon and responding with a prayer for their forgiveness; never returning evil for evil, but also not being overcome by evil either—overcoming evil with good; willing to die to all the world has to offer in order to infuse the Truth that only can ultimately save the world: The Truth of the Love of Jesus Christ and the desperate need for the power of His Holy Spirit in order to prosper in the ways of the soul. This is the true Peaceful Warrior Spirit that Christ will impart to us if we look to Him, open our hearts to Him and trust Him. Remember, He is our only totally trustworthy Guide. He is our Friend. He gave His life for us. And He loves those who consider us their enemies. If we remain in Him, we are safe from the evils of this world, even if we are martyred. Outside His Spirit is only “weeping and gnashing of teeth,” beautiful houses built on sand and doomed to fall. In Him we are “more than conquerors.” We will not fail! Abide in Christ!

Wednesday, October 11, 2017


It seems that governing this great and amazing nation has regressed into a power struggle between two political parties. The pursuit of the common good  gets lost in this power struggle. And whatever good there may be in the opposing party's pursuits is neglected, overlooked or minimized; because to acknowledge anything good in the opposing party relinquishes a certain amount of power to them.
The pursuit of power is motivated by either fear, greed or the sincere desire to work for the good of humankind. Those who are motivated by fear or greed always pretend to be motivated by the common good, unless their power becomes so secure that they no longer need to pretend. Fear and greed polarize people and groups--drives them into their opposing corners and causes them to do irrational things like demonize and hate each other.
To give a certain segment of society--a lobbying group or any group working to accumulate  political power. for instance insurance companies or pharmaceutical companies--to give this group what it desires and is lobbying for may not be in the best interest of the common good. In fact, if the group is motivated by fear or greed, its pursuits are not likely to be for the common good. It is therefore incumbent upon a free nation to insure that no individual lobbying group gain enough power to elect a candidate or prevent the election of a candidate. This is especially true if such group is motivated by greed or fear. This is a form of balancing power--something our Founding Fathers were obviously concerned about. This is primarily a duty of the general populace in a democratic society--a manifestation of government "by the people." It is the duty of the voting population to not be motivated by fear or greed, but rather by the Love of Jesus Christ.  If the general public regresses into greed, fear or spiritual apathy, there is no form of government that can provide its happiness and prosperity. This is one reason why evangelism is so important. There will never be a powerful enough police force to subdue a large number of sociopaths. The laws and walls of government can not withstand the pressure exerted by large numbers of people motivated by greed and fear. If we do not grow psycho-spiritually, we will not police ourselves. And if we do not police ourselves, someone will.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Responding to Persecution

We sense God's presence:
I will never leave you or forsake you. Heb 13:5

We are encouraged knowing that others are praying for us:
I thank God, whom I serve with a clear conscience as my ancestors did, when I constantly remember you in my prayers night and day. 2 Tim 1:3

We thankfully receive the comfort that God offers us:
May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who has loved us and given us eternal encouragement and good hope by grace, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good work and word. 2Th 2: 16-17

We pray for God to open doors to evangelism:
Devote yourselves to prayer; stay alert in it with thanksgiving.
At the same time, pray also for us that God may open a door to us for the word, to speak the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains, Col 4:2-3

We are bold in sharing the gospel:
And now, Lord, consider their threats, and grant that your servants may speak your word with all boldness,” Acts 4:29

We forgive and pray for those who work against the Gospel and who persecute us:
But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,...” Mt 5:44

We pray for and receive wisdom in our ministries:
Now if any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God  who gives to all generously and ungrudgingly and it will be given to him. Jas 1:5

We remain joyful amid suffering:
Then they went out from the presence of the Sanhedrin, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to be treated shamefully on behalf of the Name (of Jesus). Act 5:41

We continue to mature in our faith:
We proclaim him, warning and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone mature in Christ. I labor for this, striving with his strength that works powerfully in me. Col. 1:28-29

We remain rooted in God's Word:
All Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, for training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.
2Tim 3:16-17

Taken from "The Voice of the Martyrs" 

Antisemitism in Old Testament

Psalm 83 was written 1000 years before Christ, and it seems to have no historical context for that time. Does it have a context now? Bible scholar J. Vernon Magee comments that it seems to be looking to the future.

Regarding “Antisemitism”:

"See how your enemies make an uproar;
those who hate you have acted arrogantly.
They devise clever schemes against your people;
they conspire against your treasured ones.
They say, “Come, let us wipe them out as a nation
so that Israel’s name will no longer be remembered.”
For they have conspired with one mind;
they form an alliance against you —
the tents of Edom and the Ishmaelites,
Moab and the Hagrites,
Gebal, Ammon, and Amalek,
Philistia with the inhabitants of Tyre.
Even Assyria has joined them;
they lend support to the sons of Lot. Selah"

Psa 83: 2-8