Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Warrior/Prophet Spirit

In the dark times, evil flaunts itself and struts across the stages of the world, and people applaud it as a new form of freedom. “Religion is repressive!” it shouts, and it gives some bona fide examples of this half-truth that sadly turns many away from the Source of Life, which is the only legitimate goal of true religion. But the pendulum swings too far—the baby is expelled with the bath water. In the name of “progress” the door is opened for all manner of evil to infiltrate the hearts of those who are bereft of the discernment of spiritual Truth—the Truth of Christ. His Spirit, the nation's immune system, no longer protects us from hatred, greed and fear; and all that's left is the struggle for power, Satan's counterfeit for the security that permeates a life of Love and the desire for the common good.

And so I'm angry. I'm angry because I love this nation that, to me, has been like the Promised Land, flowing with milk and honey. But even here, in a nation that professes to be “under God”, we see what happens when men don't pray and live with the humility that recognizes that human wisdom is not adequate. Human wisdom births the Vietnam war. Godly wisdom births the Civil Rights movement. Human wisdom births economic collapse corroded by greed. Godly wisdom births a government with built in checks and balances to protect from the corrosion of the love of power. Fear births weapons of mass destruction. Only Godly wisdom will protect us from their ultimate, insane use. Human wisdom cannot stop violence in the streets. Godly wisdom, flowing through the loyal Christian churches on those streets, takes a stand against that violence and imparts compassion and harmony. Human wisdom sees itself as the highest intellect, neglecting the fact that it did not create itself. It claims the conscious-less cosmic dust and gasses as its father—convenient for the narcissist, power monger and those who want no accountability. I'm angry because I see Christ and His teachings ignored or reviled—looked down upon as something “intolerant” or antiquated. I see Christianity being pushed into a corner. And it's time for the prophetic voice—the voice of Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Amos—to come forth warning those who are stumbling along the destructive path. It's time for hard heads, clear minds and compassionate hearts to stand forth firmly in the grace of Jesus, motivated only by His Love, overcoming the fear of public opinion, willing to be spat upon and responding with a prayer for their forgiveness; never returning evil for evil, but also not being overcome by evil either—overcoming evil with good; willing to die to all the world has to offer in order to infuse the Truth that only can ultimately save the world: The Truth of the Love of Jesus Christ and the desperate need for the power of His Holy Spirit in order to prosper in the ways of the soul. This is the true Peaceful Warrior Spirit that Christ will impart to us if we look to Him, open our hearts to Him and trust Him. Remember, He is our only totally trustworthy Guide. He is our Friend. He gave His life for us. And He loves those who consider us their enemies. If we remain in Him, we are safe from the evils of this world, even if we are martyred. Outside His Spirit is only “weeping and gnashing of teeth,” beautiful houses built on sand and doomed to fall. In Him we are “more than conquerors.” We will not fail! Abide in Christ!

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