“Ultimately, the thing that will bring the most to change our culture is the one I’ve been writing and talking about for a long time: having more women with more power,” Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook executive.
Men tend to be attracted to vulnerability in women. This is the root of pedophilia and sexual harassment in the marketplace. As far as sex alone is concerned, powerful women tend to be a turnoff. There are at least two basic responses a man can make to the vulnerability that he loves in womanhood: He can take advantage of it, or he can protect it--protect her within the context of her vulnerability. If he takes advantage of her vulnerability, she must begin to harden and strengthen; in other words to become more masculine. If he respects her womanhood, she is free to grow in the feminine strength that healthy men love and need. She doesn't have to compete with him or guard herself against him. The paradox of men using power to coerce sexual gratification from women is that it forces those women to become more powerful and therefore less sexually attractive to men.
It is a principle in life that we live by power or we live by love. The less we love, the more that power will ascend. If we do not obey the righteous laws of man, those who enforce the law will arm themselves more powerfully and become more invasive. If we do not use our freedoms responsibly, eventually they will be removed by some powerful force. As Edmund Burke said "It is ordained in the eternal constitution of things that men of intemperate minds can never be free. Their passions forge their fetters."
More power is not the long-term solution. Though it certainly is necessary to protect the vulnerable from forces in society that would abuse their vulnerability. Psycho-spiritual growth toward the Love of Jesus Christ is the only deep and thorough solution. Prayer and submission to the God of this universe, Who is Love, and Who loves His daughters and sons equally, and Who has ordained something as beautiful as manhood and womanhood: this is the only freedom-enhancing solution.
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