Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Sex Talk

On a PBR broadcast I heard an interview with a woman who had become extremely popular posting YouTube talks about sex. Her talks were frank and "cutsie" so to speak. She became so popular that she visited college campuses as a guest speaker. She brought forth a deluge of hateful responses however when she reluctantly labeled herself a "feminist." And she ran into more problems when she used the words "dyke" and "tranny" [for transgender] in what she believed an appropriate, that is, non-derogatory, manner. She was even derided for using the terms "male" and "female"! [It seems that some folks feel these terms imply that one is either one or the other, versus consisting along a spectrum of sexual orientations that have nothing to do with genitalia.] She found it impossible to talk about sexuality without inflaming some group; and they were responding with overwhelming vitriol, to the point of her receiving death threats! This is one of many examples of the ways that diversity in America has become an arena of growing hatred and fear: between political parties, sexual orientations, races and ethnicities, even men and women. Jesus said that a house divided against itself cannot stand, and He prayed for unity among His followers [Matthew 12:25, John 14]. He commanded His followers to love and pray for their enemies [Matthew 5:44]. We are indebted to Him and the leaven of His teachings for the level of civility and harmony that we have experienced in our nation, and for whatever of it that remains today. In the past we have relied upon His teachings to guide us in life's affairs, including the handling of our differences. As Christian influence wanes, or to whatever degree it does, we might ask ourselves: What is going to restrain our passions in the pursuit of what we believe to be the best?  What influences will move in to take over the ideological space evacuated by faith in the One Who commands us to love each other and Whose Spirit unifies while preserving diversity? Will Islam provide that level of love and tolerance? Will atheistic communism or socialism? We have witnessed historically the devastation of mass murder and genocide enacted under those political ideologies. The human problem is a problem of the heart--motivations, desires and passions. This is the arena that Christ transforms. All else is palliative at best.

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