Friday, November 23, 2018

Earth and Soul

Cancer cells are what we might describe as narcissistic. Unlike healthy cells that work in cooperation with the other cells and organs in the organism, and self-limit on behalf of the whole, cancer cells continue to consume and reproduce at the expense of the organism that hosts them, to the point of destroying their host organism--and themselves in the process.
Humans can, of course, learn a valuable lesson from this: Unless we limit our relentless consumption of the earth's resources for the benefit of our comfort and pleasure, we might become the cancer cells of planet earth. We've moved through the Industrial Revolution into the Technological Revolution. It seems that if we do not now embrace a Spiritual Revolution [actually made more possible by our Technological Revolution] our quality of life will begin to deteriorate along with our planet.
The Bible teaches contentment with food, clothing and shelter. All great spiritual teachers possessed little and were exceedingly peaceful and joyful. Most busy Americans long for a simpler life but seem addicted to fast-paced excitement and the constant challenge of more, bigger and better things to satisfy egoistic cravings and stave off boredom. The "Economy", dependent upon constant economic growth, must no longer be our god--the deciding factor behind all our decisions. The subterranean fountains of spiritual enlightenment are springing forth across the human landscape, and the Living Water is there for those who thirst and seek.  As we are transformed, we become agents of transformation, and we become more aligned with the satisfying power of Love by which the earth and the universe operate. And there are hints in the Bible that the earth itself is healed by the healing of the human soul. {Rom. 8:20-23} In my lifetime, Lake Pontchartrain, near my home, has been cleaned up to the point that it is swimmable most of the time. This seems like a light of hope and a reminder of what we can do.

Monday, November 12, 2018

God Is Love

Christianity may be summarized [with the understanding that all summarizations reduce broad reality into a small space at the cost of some broader understanding] as follows:
God, the great "I Am", is.
The "I Am" intervened in humanity through a small culture of relatively insignificant, from the worldly power standpoint, humans.
"I Am" started a process of delivering them from the darkness of tribalistic violence by empowering them to overcome other tribalistic peoples and giving them a set of commandments that constituted a moral/ethical code for prospering them, and eventually all nations.
In the course of their slow awakening, "I Am" began insinuating into their consciousness the concept of a coming Messiah who would deliver them and eventually all the nations of the earth from the darkness of spiritual blindness that resulted in immense self-inflicted suffering.
That Messiah has come with the supreme teaching that "I Am" loves all of us with the love of a maximally evolved parent for his/her child--the greatest imaginable human love; and He taught us [and continues to teach through His Holy Spirit within us] to love each other with the Love that He demonstrated in human history: sacrifice of Self and only Son for the maximal common good.
This Love is the only doctrine. It fulfills all the commands and prophetic revelations. It is the only way of being that delivers us from the unnecessary suffering that we inflict upon ourselves.
So the apostle John, who was spared martyrdom and lived to an old age as an exile on a small island, having much time to contemplate what he had experienced with the Messiah, Jesus, writes:
"Beloved, let us love each other, for love is of God, and everyone who loves is born of God, and knows God. He who does not love does not know God, for God is Love." 1 John 4:7-8.

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Mormonism and Jehovah Witnesses

Below is a link to a former Mormon who found salvation in Christ. He was on his mission journey when this happened. His whole family was Mormon: his mother a professor at Brigham Young Univ., his father a high priest in the Mormon church. He gives his remarkable testimony in this video.

Below is a link to a very compassionate and Spirit-led witness to some Jehovah Witnesses.

Friday, November 2, 2018


Jesus delivers us from living under the curse of our judgements and criticisms of each other. He delivers us first from judging and criticizing; then He delivers us from living under the curse of others' judgements and criticisms, even those in our own household. Love confronts and exposes difficult truth, but always with compassion. Love is not defensive because it only seeks the Truth; and receives that truth, no matter how harshly it is offered. Love is powerful enough to receive the difficult truth spoken to it, while forgiving the speaker for the spirit in which that truth is spoken. Love is discerning enough to receive only truth, for sometimes others, in their anger or spiritual blindness, make accusations that are not true. We forgive them for this, and we are careful not to return evil for evil--judgment and criticism for judgment and criticism, while also being careful to own whatever truth is spoken to us.  Love keeps us free and peaceful in this Truth. Jesus said "I am the Truth..." Ultimate Truth and Love are synonymous.