Friday, November 2, 2018


Jesus delivers us from living under the curse of our judgements and criticisms of each other. He delivers us first from judging and criticizing; then He delivers us from living under the curse of others' judgements and criticisms, even those in our own household. Love confronts and exposes difficult truth, but always with compassion. Love is not defensive because it only seeks the Truth; and receives that truth, no matter how harshly it is offered. Love is powerful enough to receive the difficult truth spoken to it, while forgiving the speaker for the spirit in which that truth is spoken. Love is discerning enough to receive only truth, for sometimes others, in their anger or spiritual blindness, make accusations that are not true. We forgive them for this, and we are careful not to return evil for evil--judgment and criticism for judgment and criticism, while also being careful to own whatever truth is spoken to us.  Love keeps us free and peaceful in this Truth. Jesus said "I am the Truth..." Ultimate Truth and Love are synonymous.

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