Saturday, January 26, 2019

Obedience and Rebellion

The Bible teaches the children of the people of God to be obedient to their parents [Ex. 20:12] And it teaches adults to be obedient to rightful earthly authority---the laws of man that are in accordance with the love of people and the common good [1Pet 2:13-14]. Obedience and respect for rightful, loving authority is wise. It preserves peace and prosperity and provides for the greatest happiness. Rebellion against loving authority is described as foolish in the Bible. Anyone who has loved a child knows this.
But respect for tyranny is cowardice. Tyranny must be overthrown because, by definition, it is founded upon and motivated by power, not love; and everything must eventually come to lo love. Tyranny hates and fears freedom because freedom is not under its authority.
Every enemy of this nation wants us to be divided against ourselves. The Russian interference in American affairs has division as its primary aim. Radical Islamists delight to see us railing against each other in hatred and wallowing in the vomit of our debauchery and irresponsible living. Our enemies know that a united democracy is strong, but, as John Adams said, democracies have a tendency to commit “suicide” by carrying freedom into licentiousness and entitlement, making us weak in our division and selfish competition for pleasure and comfort. Jesus said a house divided against itself cannot stand. We must be united in our love for God and in God's love for all. We must remain responsible and strong.

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