Ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters, we are Americans! And
whatever that means that may be evil---slavery, greed, racism,
etc.---it certainly means much that is good. We have thrown off an
oppressive government and established one that is superior to any
other in human history; a government of, by and for the people, based
upon unprecedented individual freedom. We have had the courage to
believe that people can govern themselves if they base themselves on
the “pillars of morality and religion” {Geo. Washington} and work
for the common good. We have shed our own blood to end slavery. We
have extended billions of dollars of aid to other nations---and not
always motivated by what they could offer us in return. We have a
governmental system that recognizes the corruptive tendencies of
power, and was designed to prevent it from taking hold; and it has by
and large been successful. We can still have a bloodless revolution
each time we go to the polls. With the exception of the Civil War, we
have miraculously maintained unity, under one constitution, for
almost two and a half centuries; and we have generated an
unprecedented level of prosperity for our people. Disharmony and
conflict, as in any human system, from marriages to the entire human
family, has always brewed under the surface and threatened our
Constitutional unity. But we have always been able, by the grace of
God, to maintain it, and the blessings that accrue to it. In fact we
see that our unprecedented prosperity on almost every level of human
existence has brought the inherent curse of generating an ungrateful,
entitled spirit among many of our brothers and sisters; a human
tendency that goes back historically at least to the time of Israel’s
deliverance into the land “flowing with milk and honey”.
Decadence [defined as “a condition or period of decline, as in art
or morals”] is the product of prosperity minus spiritual growth.
[And it is actually celebrated by some segments of our society.]
In the Bible, God is
recorded as having warned the Israelites against it when He was
delivering them into the prosperity of Canaan [Deuteronomy 8:11f].
Our Founding Fathers had a clear sense that they had similarly been
providentially delivered from an oppressive greater power into a
bountiful land with a God-given freedom. And they cautioned coming
generations about what it would take to maintain it. Geo.
Washington’s Farewell Address of 1796 is an amazing statement
describing the necessary societal requirements for maintaining our
democracy. [available here:;postID=3901505139305844432;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=0;src=postname
America has
tyrannical enemies who hate and fear the freedom of democracy, or who
greedily make profit on our weaknesses. They would love to see us
implode in the fires of our internal conflicts. Agents have seized
enough fentanyl coming across America borders to poison our entire
population. It seems evident that Russian agents, via the internet,
have fueled the fires of antagonism and hostility on both sides of
conflicting parties within the U.S..
We must maintain our
unity! Our internal hostility makes us vulnerable to our enemies. We
don’t have to exercise “group-think”---we are not robotic
copies of each other. We don’t all clap in unison [like the North
Koreans] when our president speaks. But we are under-girded by a
common foundation that we would do well to recognize and maintain.
Ben Franklin’s statement at the signing of the Declaration is as
true today as then: "We
must all hang
or, most assuredly, we shall all hang
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