Saturday, October 19, 2019

The Depth

We may think of life as an ocean. We all start out, like many fish hatchlings, in the shallows adjacent to the ocean. We are very vulnerable to the turbulence and predators. Many don’t survive. They are trapped by predators or lost in the turbulence. Many survive but never get beyond the shallow life of storms, predators, constant conflict, fears, uncertainties, trivialities, entertainment, envy, pride, ruthless competition, entitlements, discontent and meaninglessness. Those who sincerely and diligently seek wisdom discover a depth in the ocean where the surface turbulence cannot reach. They begin to merge with the Great Ones Who have lived in this depth and brought amazing goodness from it into the shallows. Their lives serve as an invitation into the depth, which, once discovered, makes all the shallow-life experiences not only survivable, but useful. No matter what is happening on the surface, one can sink down into the infinite depth and find a foundational Peace. In this place we realize that we are at one with the Source. Jesus lived and lives in this depth, and He traverses the currents of the shallows seeking those who can hear His voice, and escorting them into  freedom, peace and eternal life---the Depth.

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