The more I learn about history and the “human condition” and the more deeply I look into what is happening in America and in the world, the more I love and value the American ideal. I am amazed at what our Founders established in our Declaration, Constitution and Bill of Rights. I am amazed at the foundational simplicity and profundity of “one nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all.” I am inspired by the idea of a government established to limit its own power instead of garnering power for itself. I am thankful that our Founders recognized the invasive and corrosive tendencies of the lust for power in the human heart, and established a government ingeniously designed to limit that power. I am amazed, when I look at the course of governments in history, that our Founders founded our Republic on the understanding that “all men are created equal” with “inalienable rights” that were and are “endowed by {our} Creator”---not doled out by the whims of those in power. What an amazing gift has been given to us by our Founders. But I fear for the American ideal. Our Founders knew from the beginning that a democracy is fragile and dependent upon the spiritual maturity of the people governed. Our enemies are betting that we will not be able to attain or maintain this level of maturity. Government “of, by and for the people” depends upon people who are capable of maintaining a bond of unity based upon the common good, transcending selfishness and what Geo. Washington called the “party spirit”---a malady characterized by a greater allegiance to a party or faction than to the nation as a whole. There are many factions in America today; not just two political parties. And there are many, especially in academia, who seem to hate America. They not only major on her faults [and, of course, America, as all nations, has her faults] but they tend to morbidly exaggerate them and overlook her goodness and strength. They have the wisdom of viruses or cancer cells which, if successful, destroy the host that they invade and themselves in the process. They speak the language of hatred. They magnify and feed on the discontent of citizens. And discontent is a spiritual malady that cannot be healed by politicians or systems of government. Until we discover the Source of contentment, we will not know how to govern ourselves. Our Founders knew this Source, and desired all to have free access to it. That is why they established “freedom of religion.” It is also why they, early on, established free public education; so that citizens would be able to read the Bible and judge politicians and the laws that would in the future be enacted by its gold standard of Truth [If you doubt this Google “Old Deluder Satan Act”. And/or visit historian David Barton’s “Wallbuilder” site]. The roots of our democracy are inextricably intertwined with the roots of Christianity. This is an undeniable historical fact. Christianity has provided the fertile soil and basic truths upon which this great nation has been founded. Christianity has been the immune system of this nation, protecting it from the invasive “viruses” and “bacteria” of hateful polarizations, the lust for power, and the demise of civil unity. As the knowledge and application of the Bible and the Spirit that it fosters has deteriorated, so has peace, unity and harmony in our nation. The unfounded fear of theocracy [Christ would never allow it] and the false belief that the secular mind, bereft of spiritual enlightenment, can govern itself have been corrosive to the American ideal. If we extricate Christianity from democracy, we will certainly destroy it. It will not have a unifying foundation and fabric suitable for its survival. It will degenerate into factions and parties selfishly vying for power and “rights”. And this will always have the volatile potential to escalate into violence enacted to procure that power and those rights.
The most potent way to preserve America is to promote the Christian Faith. Anyone who deeply understands the New Testament will certainly see this truth. And the fact that many do not have a deep understanding of the New Testament is a symptom of the problem here being elucidated. Our Founders had a profound understanding of and allegiance to it. They quoted it profusely, publicly and privately. If you are interested in pursuing the facts and ideas of this post, I encourage you to examine the following sources:
1. Geo. Washington’s Farewell Address of 1796 [A must read for anyone interested in American government
2. Dinesh D’Souza’s movie “America….” 3. Wallbuilders website
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