Here’s a meditation for some of my elderly brothers and sisters:
Get into a quiet place where you’re unplugged and isolated from anything that could distract you.
Take some comfortable breaths and settle into your body.
Take your time with this. Read each statement and pause to let the truth of it settle deeply into your consciousness.
“My body is getting weaker. I cannot do some of the things I used to do.
I accept this. Deeply. It is ok for me to be tired.
I rest in my tiredness. In this moment, I do not resist it.
As I go deeper, underneath the tiredness, I become aware that I am not my body. I am IN but not OF my body.
I, my soul, lives temporarily, in this body. My soul resides partially and temporarily in this body. My body has been a wonderful “temple”, and I am thankful for it; but it was destined from birth to return to the earth. I am perfectly ok with this.
In my spirit I hear Jesus say,”Do not allow that which is temporary [your body] to take precedence over that which is eternal [your soul].” I let His words sink into my deeper consciousness. I turn the light of my awareness away from my body and shine it upon my soul; finding there that I am a “Fountain of living water welling up into eternal Life”---a constantly renewed freshness. I realize that I am, in my essence, this Fountain and the Light of awareness that is shining upon it. I am this eternal awareness. I am the Logos, the pre-existent Living Word, that became flesh, dwelt with us as a human, entered into me through faith, and is perpetually awakening me to the fact of my atonement [at-one-ment] with Him and the Creator. I awaken to this Reality now---this “Truth that sets me free” from any worries about my declining body. I am experiencing, more and more, my soul arising up out of my body like new life arising out of a decaying seed. I am thankful and free, as I rest peacefully in this tired body.
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