Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Growing Up


Our parents are largely [not completely] responsible for our psycho-spiritual condition when we enter adulthood; but we are 100% responsible when we enter adulthood. We are responsible for how we handle what we were dealt as children. Doesn’t do any good to just keep crying, and we can’t blame them anymore. In fact, blaming is counter-productive—no matter whom is blamed. Blame is a distraction from the important work of overcoming whatever we are blaming anyone for. Those who have hurt us or our loved ones are unenlightened--- “They know not what they do” as Jesus says. This is true even if they are consciously mean or malicious—especially when they are. We guard our hearts from what is in them, and try to protect our loved ones as best we can; but they are going to wreak some havoc, nevertheless. We do damage control as best we can. But we continue to recognize and transcend the various ways our own souls have been wounded in this arena of life with humans who are still emerging from darkness into Light. And we remember that our war is not with “flesh and blood” but spirits that possess and move within the human heart. Those who are possessed of meanness, for example, are the primary victims of it, even though many others are hurt through them also. And we are careful not to “return evil for evil, nor be overcome by evil; but rather to overcome evil with good.” Our ability to do this is the very evidence of our healing and enlightenment. As the Cross of Christ absorbed and destroyed the sins of the world, so now, as we take up our crosses and respond to everything in courageous and peaceful Love, we, as His body, also negate the evil in this world. This is what we help each other do. This is one important way that we love each other: by carrying our load with integrity, and bearing each others’ burdens when necessary. We do all this as Christ described: in peace, with thankful hearts, in a “yoke that is easy and a burden that is light.” {At least most of the time. And more and more so as we grow.} We stay consciously grounded in the eternal Truth that He is perpetually revealing to us---the Truth that sets and keeps us free. We are always “more than conquerors.” Peaceful warriors. Joyful servants. Nothing from the dark side, not even Satan himself can change this. It is our default setting; the Foundation underneath all our experiences. And in death {our final victory} all these “slight, momentary afflictions” will be obliterated by a light of glory that the NDEers cannot describe, even in the most superlative terms.

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