Thursday, October 18, 2018

Healing Division

We are all Americans, more importantly, we are all humans—of the same family—and we MUST NOT BECOME VIOLENTLY DIVIDED AGAINST EACH OTHER. All sane people want peace--within themselves and in their relationships. There are some insane, or unawakened people in the world; but they need ministry, not hatred; and not fear, which is at the root of much hatred. Hatred does not minister to blindness; it deepens it and hardens it and is used to falsely justify it. This is why Jesus commands us to love our enemies, bless those who curse us, and pray for those who despitefully use and persecute us [Matthew 5:44]. His Spirit, this Spirit, pours water, vs. gasoline, on the fires of blindness; shines Light into that darkness rather than being absorbed by it and caught up in it. In our time, as in all times, this message, this understanding is immensely important.
Jesus was not encouraging weakness or passivity. He was certainly neither. Divine strength is manifested as love for one's enemies. Our battle is not against humans, it is against the evil that resides in ALL humans. And if we do not start with our own evil, the “beam”, as Jesus said, that is in our own eye, we will contribute to the problems in our world rather than the solution to them. The willingness to look deeply and honestly into the evil potential of one's own sinful nature is a necessary prerequisite to spiritual growth. “All have sinned” the Bible says. If we say otherwise, we lie and deceive ourselves. As we take responsibility for our own character defects and look to God to help us in the lifelong process of overcoming them, we are able to bring some Light into the world. The process of self honesty is a necessary aspect of the process of growth. And it is difficult to face one's darkness if he has no concept of Grace. Without Grace, introspection can lead to despair, which is why so many fail to look honestly at themselves. “It's not me! It's them!” they scream. Jesus offers Grace, and requires honesty and Love.
We must not be defensive blamers. We can never be free in that darkness. And a society with too many of them cannot be free. Their pathology requires external control, and the drift toward tyranny or anarchy begins. We do not fear this, but we recognize it, and work against it by being awake, aware, responsible and free. We live and try to facilitate the Truth of Christ; the Light of Christ; the Hope of our world.
Mark Graham

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