Friday, September 25, 2020



Truth remains the Truth, shining and harder than diamond, no matter what you do to it. You can dress it in the clothes of a harlot and drag it through the streets in mockery and condemnation; you can try to hide it behind flashy facades; you can paint it over with trumped up "hypocrisy"; you can put a plastic handle on it and try to use it to enslave people; you can try to sell it for a profit; you can simply ignore it while your world deteriorates; you can bolt and lock the door when it comes gently knocking; you can build a wall to keep it out--it will waft over with the clouds and pour in with the rain; you can run ten thousand miles to escape it, and find it there when you arrive; you can forbid it, hate it, try to turn people from it; you can drag it before the blind tribunal, condemn, torture, spit on it, crucify it---it arises from the grave in triumphant forgiveness and grace. It is washed clean by the blood of the martyrs. Children live in its innocence. The wise sit and run and play in its fields and by its streams, while those with the raging, envious eyes of Cain lurk in its shadows. It arises with every dawn and shines brighter and brighter unto the full light of day. Those who love it find infinite and perfect peace. Their souls take flight on the wings of freedom, upward and above the smoke and clamor of those who are rummaging through the philosophical garbage heaps or empty halls of academia, or fighting against each other in the pursuit of that which can not be gotten through fighting. Here it is, bold and bright above the ramblings of man, like a universal Lighthouse bringing the wayfaring soul safely into Port: "I AM THE TRUTH." [Jesus] Understand and live.

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