Friday, October 9, 2020

Bold Christianity


It seems to me, and many seasoned Christians that are speaking in the world today, that we are entering into a period of spiritual warfare unprecedented in my lifetime for sure. The powers that humans have garnered in science and technology, and especially in the possibilities that are opened up in the preponderance of social media, have provided unprecedented venues for the propagation of evil and good. The Church, bearing the life-sustaining Truth of Christ, has been lulled into lethargy in the unprecedented peace and prosperity that were purchased by the diligent wakefulness of our Founders and forbears. The Light has grown dim. And now, through these massive venues, darkness has been creeping [perhaps flooding would be a better word] into our minds and hearts, and those of our children. Like the melting of the glaciers [probably, mysteriously a result of this spiritual lethargy] each day or week we see large chunks of Christian principles and truths collapsing into the ocean of chaos and multiple manifestations of darkness. Christians are either being slowly seduced into that darkness, or they are being relegated into a corner on the fringe of society and ordered to keep quiet in the public realm unless they can speak only that version of the Gospel that is “politically correct” and does not offend anyone. Our world is progressively becoming as hostile to the Christian faith as it was in the day when Paul and the first Christians lived and preached. The New Testament, therefore is particularly helpful to us in knowing how to respond. [This is a massive understatement, I realize.] If we do not become warriors, we will be talked over and walked over by those who do not know their right hand from their left spiritually. Our Lord will not be pleased with us if stand idly by while humans go marching off into hell like a lamb to the slaughter. The watchman must sound the trumpet [even if he is ridiculed for it] or else the blood of the people is on his head. We must shed our useless egos that worry about our reputation or what people will think of us. We have to love people enough to speak the Truth to them [the Truth that will set them free and save their souls] even if they hate us for it---even if they think we are bigots, racists or homophobic. We must know, in the core of our being, that we are NONE of these: That we are fully aware that God loves ALL people as much as he loves us. And we are acting out of this Love in all we say and do. Jesus will grant this blessing to us if we ask. We must put on the full armor of God [Ephesians 6] and stand boldly in the Love, Truth and Peace of Christ.

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