You turned something beautiful into something awkward. A fresh-flowing river, watering a green field into a dammed up trickling stream, the plants withering in the growing desert. Your tight-fisted grip has choked the life out of a life-enhancing bond. Your iron hand has turned a free child into a scared robot, doing a weird dance under your scowl; making him afraid to feel what he so needs to feel. Afraid to touch and be touched. Walled off from the embrace of love and delight---the gifts that control can never give. Something that to him was warm, open, safe and secure has now become contaminated; threatening, out of reach, out of touch. Togetherness has become alienation. Communion is now scattered and forbidden by the tyranny of fear. “Love casts out fear” the Bible says. But fear, when allowed, displaces love. And fear and uncertainty and alienation compose a toxic atmosphere for a growing soul.
Oh Lord, by Your grace empower us to let Love flow---the River of Living Water; unencumbered. Let us dance again to the music of Love. Let it arise in our hearts driving away all the foolish fears, like the sun driving away the dark of night. Let us, like all true warriors, claim the liberty of Love over the fear of sickness---and even of death. Empower us as we strain to reach out across the divisive abyss; hands and hearts reaching out to touch and be touched. Cleanse and sanctify us in Your Love. Heal and restore us to the joy of togetherness. Empower us to be courageous in the Love that triumphs over all fear---the Love that enhances our immune systems!
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