Monday, August 19, 2013





When I heard the voice of Jesus, I heard the voice of God

                And then I saw His face everywhere

In the incredible beauty of the earth

In manhood and womanhood

In children’s soft innocence

                In Love being lived out everywhere

In the compassion we feel for our fellow man

                In our desire to alleviate suffering

In the power He has given us to bless or curse with words and attitudes

When I heard the voice of Jesus

                I understood my reason for being here


I hear some say there are many ways to God

                I hope there are many ways to the God I have discovered in Jesus

I wish that all could find the peace and overcoming power I have found in Him

                I hear some speak of Christianity as if it were a cult,

A narrow-minded way.

                In this narrow Way I have found infinity

I have seen my Dad stop drinking

                I have seen my Mom face courageously and gracefully

The death of her child

                I have heard my Mom say

“Your dad became a man when he joined the Church”

                And I have seen her lose him, her “best friend”

An inch a day, for ten years, to Alzheimer’s

                With amazing strength and faith

And live in the secure hope of seeing him again, soon

                I have felt the “Rock” that Jesus spoke of

That cannot be shaken

                Even in the hurricane-like floods and storm

Of the loss of my son.

                 I have been sustained by Him, as has my Mom, in the death of a child.

And I have seen the same sustaining Power in my wife

                [Whose woman-love is so much more tender and nurturing]

When she lost her son.


When I heard the voice of Jesus I heard the voice of God

                And He lovingly revealed the dark and dangerous parts of me

That had already wounded those I love.

                He taught me that I could not overcome evil in the world

Until I allowed Him to overcome it in me

                And what it means to “Get the beam out of my own eye.”

He taught me that I could never win by impressing people or competing with them

                Or by showing them how wrong they were

                Only by loving them—even my enemies



Some say they do not need Jesus.

I accept their proclamation, but I do not understand it

I love them too

Because He commands me to.

Perhaps they are stronger than me

Or have some inside road of which I am unaware

I do not judge them

I am not qualified

                {But I do not see in them the peace I feel in me

[I wish it for them.]}


But when I hear some speak of the Faith

As if it were something inferior or detrimental

                I know they are speaking from a place of great darkness

And I pray for their forgiveness

                And for those who might, because of their unenlightened words

 Be turned away from the Life Christ gives

                And I am deeply grieved by the evil

That crucified Him

                And continues, to this day,

To block and turn away

                Those who do not fight as worthy warriors to know the Truth

That would set them free

                But instead become pawns

In Satan’s ploy to steal, kill and destroy.

                “Father forgive them; for they know not what they do.”

Is not in any microscopic manner a patronizing prayer

                But rather of sincere compassion

And glorious freedom of soul

                Available to all who are able to hear the voice of God in Jesus’ voice.
                                                                                      Mark Graham 11/7/12






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