Thursday, May 29, 2014

Christianity compared to Islam

Christianity compared to Islam

Luke 13:20-21 And again he said, Whereunto shall I liken the kingdom of God?
It is like leaven, which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole was leavened. [Jesus]

Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake: whether it be to the king, as supreme; Or unto governors, as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers, and for the praise of them that do well. For so is the will of God, that with well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men: As free, and not using [your] liberty for a cloak of maliciousness, but as the servants of God. Honour all [men]. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the king.

1Pet 2:13-17

 Then saith he [Jesus] unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's.Mat 22:21  

But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who despitefully use you, and persecute you;
That you may be the children of your Father  in heaven: for he makes his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.
For if you love those who love you, what reward have you? do not even the unbelievers do the same?
And if you respectfully treat your brothers only, what do you more [than others]? do not even the unbelievers so? [Jesus] Mat 5:44-47

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Eph 6:12

I have spoken openly to the world. I always taught at synagogues or at the temple, where all the Jews come together. I said nothing in secret…Ask those who heard me. Surely they know what I said.” [Jesus] Jn.18:20-21

We have renounced secret and shameful ways, we do not use deception, nor do we distort the word of God. On the contrary, by setting forth the truth plainly we commend ourselves to every man’s conscience in the sight of God. [Paul] 2Cor.4:2

Christianity, when it is lived out in the way its Founder intended, is like yeast, salt, and light. It enters into any system of human endeavor and enhances it with grace, compassion, and all that is good; exposing that which is selfish or mean. It trusts that good will prevail if we simply live the Truth of Christ ourselves. In Christ we realize that the good cannot be forced, in a military or political manner, upon anyone. But we fight for goodness in the heart of men; and we fight against evil as warriors of the heart. Our “jihad” is spiritual only, [Eph 6:12] except in the case of defense against hostile forces, led by the prince of this world, that would forcefully take away our freedom of religion and prevent our children from hearing and freely abiding in the Truth of Christ. We support [and do not try to dominate] any government that allows freedom of speech and freedom of religious expression, but we will fight against oppression of Truth as it has been revealed by Christ, Who loves all, and desires the best for all. Jesus teaches us to love our enemies, bless those who curse us, and pray for those who use us [Mt. 5:44]. He ordains us to teach and encourage His Way, but He does not allow us to force it upon anyone. Though He condemned and sternly confronted evil, He prevented the stoning of an adulterous woman by pointing out to those with the stones that they were no more righteous than she. His doctrine is safe for the unbelieving human family, and they have nothing to fear from it. Jesus did not kill anyone, and He did not allow His disciple to protect Him with the sword when His enemies came at night with false accusations. Furthermore, He never used deceit, and does not condone its use. He spoke openly, even though it cost Him his earthly life. Any manifestation of Christianity that is deceptive, mean, hateful, cruel or physically forceful is not in accordance with the One for Whom it is named. It is out of accordance with the teachings of Jesus, and therefore not a true manifestation of Christianity, and cannot be used to judge Christianity. Christians themselves judge as unrighteous, in no uncertain terms, for instance, such things as bombing abortion clinics; and, in the main, do not support such actions as burning the Quran; though we support anyone's right to burn the Bible [or Quran] if they so desire, so long as the government does not do so.

Radical Islam, however, seems to be more like an enclosed capsule with a very hard, impermeable boundary guarded by men with drawn swords who are anxious to use them. It does not let “apostates” escape [it kills them, like the daughters who become too “westernized”.] And it does not let conflicting truth in, but rather forbids any proselytizing within its borders. It receives, and sometimes demands concessions, but does not make them. It tries to force righteousness upon its adherents through fear and intimidation. It stones adulterers to death. It hangs homosexuals. It imprisons women in their homes. It has a hairline trigger of sensitivity to anything spoken against it, even in harmless jest; but spews out hatred against what it perceives to be its enemies. It has the audacity to build a mosque [a shrine to itself] near the place where three thousand people were killed by what it spawned; while it will not allow a synagogue or church anywhere within its borders. It demands and requires from others what it does not allow for them. It teaches hatred of persons [not just hatred of evil] to its children. Mohammad killed people; and taught his followers to do likewise. Contrary to Christianity, it does not recognize any government other than Allah [Shariah law]. It is not merely a religion; it is a religious ideology that promotes and dutifully works toward a theocracy, structured by Shariah law. It tolerates that which is not under its dominion only to the point at which it gains the power to convert, subdue or destroy it. There are many verses in the Quran to support these tactics, which is why we see so much violence and hatred in the Muslim world. In other words, the violence and intolerance of the Muslim world is in accordance with its Quranic teachings. It might be argued that the radical Muslims are the ones who are living by the Quran; and the moderates are the half-hearted Muslims. It has not shown itself to be a religion of peace; it is a religion of “submission” [or domination.] There is only “peace” within this submission; and there is jihad against all else.

I submit that Islam cannot exist within a republican democracy in any way that enhances that form of government. It cannot enter into it as yeast into bread, enhancing it; it can only covertly or overtly condemn and dominate it, according to its own "divinely"-ordained principles. The evidence of this exists in the UK at this time. Islam’s goal is not to tolerate, but ultimately bring all under submission to Allah. If it stops short of this, it fails in its mission as set forth in its “holy” book, the Quran. And violence and deception are ordained means of achieving this goal. It is incredibly similar to Nazism in that it is willing to kill those humans that are not pure by its standards, and it is anti-Semitic. But it exceeds the danger of Nazism because it is guided by a book that purports to be the unalterable word of God [Allah]; and it is widespread throughout the world.

I submit that Islam is not a religion. It supersedes religion in that it is a political ideology that is contrary to democracy, and therefore not entitled to the rights of protection under our Constitution, based on the fact that it is not itself submitted to nor respecting of the Constitution except inasmuch as it can use it to propagate itself to the point of usurping it with Shariah law. Religious freedom does not extend to an ideology that does not respect or adhere to the Constitution that grants it. I submit that religion is the Trojan Horse that has carried a virulent, aggressive and destructive political ideology—a theocracy—into the American Nation.

Regarding “tolerance,” I suggest we be guided by the biological wisdom of our own physical bodies, which tolerate and allow any matter that is congruent with its healthy functioning and survival; but which, at the cellular level, attacks and tries to destroy or expel any substance/matter that is toxic to itself. In order to survive, it has an immune system that does not tolerate certain organisms.

I recommend that all freedom loving people unite against the spread of Islam, or else require and support only a version of it that is clearly defined and staunchly and overtly defended by its adherents as an ideology that supports human rights and freedom as defined by the Constitution of the United States. And even then caution is advised because of the historic and Quran-ordained use of taqiyya (pronounced tark-e-ya, and described variously as "precautionary dissimulation," "religiously-sanctioned deception," "lying" or "deception" and "keeping one's convictions secret" and "tactical dissimulation" or "holy deception").

I make this personal affirmation:

I am a Christian. I believe that Christ is the Messiah, the Son of the only true and Living God of this universe, Who raised Him from the dead to confirm His Truth to and for the human family. I will submit to Him alone as my Lord and as the true voice and manifestation of my Heavenly Father. I submit to the Ten Commandments and seek to live in the Holy Spirit of love for all humankind. Because Jesus taught it, I will submit also to the just laws of man. I will not hate any human, but I will never submit to Shariah law, and I do not believe that Mohammad supersedes Christ. I pledge my life to this affirmation.

Mark Graham

The Bible and the Quran can not both be holy books if we define holy as unalterable truth from God; because they contradict each other in doctrine--even regarding the truth of Jesus Christ. If one is to be a monotheist--a believer in one God of this universe--he cannot embrace both the Bible and the Quran. He must choose between the two, or some other manifestation of the the true God. The Quran seems to revere Jesus, but redefines His history and His role. One must choose what to believe about Jesus, that which was written in the Bible by a number of people who were His contemporaries, or that which was written by one man five hundred years after His death.
Also, in comparing Christianity to Islam, we are well advised to put them in the light of the fruits they have born for the human family. Jesus said "a tree is known by its fruits".  From a purely objective standpoint, what fruit has been brought into the world by Quranic Islam? And what fruit has been born into the world by faithfully lived out Christianity? Think in terms of violence, and of institutions of service and ministries. Democracy has been born out of Judea-Christianity. It clearly cannot exist within Quranic Islam.
The most important thing we can do to protect ourselves aginst the encroachment of Islam is to propagate the Christian faith. We should encourage all people, Muslim and non-Muslim, to read the New Testament with an open mind. In the New Testament we are encouraged to love our enemies, be kind and forgiving to those who are different and whom we believe to be in the wrong; to submit to the righteous laws of man; to bring light into the world compassionately [not hatefully]. We must combat the false belief that Christians are polytheists because of the Trinity. Christians believe in one God, according their own Scriptures.

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