Sunday, March 6, 2016


Jesus commanded His followers to love their enemies [Matthew 5:44]. He demonstrated this love in His prayer from the Cross, "Father forgive them for they don't know what they are doing." He was praying for the forgiveness of men who had betrayed, denied, falsely accused, tortured, mocked and crucified Him. He was praying for blind, arrogant religious leaders, blood lusty soldiers, and weak disciples. He was praying for infidels and apostates [Judas]. He never indicated in any way that His followers should force, coerce, terrorize, or murder anyone. This is an amazing teaching that distinguishes the Christian faith from other religions and philosophies. A statement I have heard frequently in Christian circles summarizing this teaching is "Hate the sin but love the sinner." This teaching of Jesus sets forth a line of demarcation that partially defines the Christian Faith. It is a line that is difficult to maintain; but when one crosses it, he has departed from Christ's Way. Whenever any Christian or group of Christians become more motivated by hatred or fear than by Love, they are no longer acting as true disciples of Christ. In Christ we are not allowed to hate any person, no matter how immersed in evil they may be. God hates evil--because He loves all people and wants all to be saved from its darkness. This teaching of Christ reveals a spiritual progression from some Old Testament teachings that were perhaps appropriate for the time. He was ushering in a deeper understanding based upon man's growing capacity to understand the heart and mind of God. In that darkness--in the world of evil--there is the need to hate someone; to find blame, destroy or dominate cultures, kill people, judge and condemn. All this is contrary to the Way of God illumined by Jesus Christ. Any religion that ordains such actions is regressive and detrimental to the human family--even if done in the name of Christ. Any person, group, organization or religion that respects Jesus must understand that they have departed from His Way and His teachings when they hate, murder or terrorize other people.

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