Monday, March 14, 2016


My fellow Americans and my fellow Earth Citizens:

Deep currents of joy and sorrow are flowing through my heart. I rejoice in what we have accomplished as the human family on this beautiful earth. And I deeply grieve what we have failed to accomplish: Peace and Love for our fellow humans. I don't have to remind you of what we have accomplished; you are immersed in technology and have media that holds it before you each day. The same media also reveals the horrors that I deeply grieve, and about which I wish to speak in this address. More to the point, I wish to speak words to encourage the psycho-spiritual evolution beyond those horrors.

The time has past for arrogance, high-minded superiority, and condescension. The time has past for nationalistic pride in anything that does not embrace and encourage the best for the entire human family; not just for those who reside within certain man-made boundaries on this earth. The time has past for the lust for power and the desire to control territories and amass material wealth. The time for competition between nations has past, unless it is competition for which nation can be the most generous and bring the most service and good will for the human family. The time for hatred and fear has past. We have evolved technologically beyond prior generations' wildest dreams. We probe space, circle the earth, communicate around the globe in hand-held devices available to all advanced nations. In the last few decades we have acquired the power to destroy the earth! Quoting from Gen. MacArthur's speech on the USS Missouri at the end of WWII:

Men since the beginning of time have sought peace.... Military alliances, balances of power, leagues of nations, all in turn failed, leaving the only path to be by way of the crucible of war. We have had our last chance. If we do not now devise some greater and more equitable system, Armageddon will be at our door. The problem basically is theological and involves a spiritual recrudescence and improvement of human character that will synchronize with our almost matchless advances in science, art, literature and all material and cultural development of the past two thousand years. It must be of the spirit if we are to save the flesh.

Perhaps we have advanced to the point at which we can hear these words with fresh ears, and see this vision with new eyes. We speak of peace, but often with little hope that it is attainable. But now, more than ever, we have at our disposal the global connectedness to encourage the Truth that sets us free. And whether we are theists [as I am] or atheists; whether we follow Buddha, Mohammed or Jesus—we must see that we have the same universal origin; we breathe the same air and have the same basic needs. We all stand in awe of our own consciousness, which we did not create and which we do not even understand. And the fact that we have been given the amazing and unspeakable gift of life must reveal to us that the Originator of that life is beneficent, and must be characterized by that which we most highly esteem within ourselves: Love. Even the love that we have for our children is not an aspect of our personality that was chosen by us. It was placed within us by the same Source that originated our hearts and minds. Surely that Source must comprise the highest form of this Love: for the entire human family! And so now, more than ever, we have good reason to be renewed in the hope that peace and love—consciously chosen good will and compassion—can increase upon the earth.

The difficulty of this endeavor—the increase of Love and Peace—speaks to the power that militates against it. Let us call it evil. But let us not relegate it to any certain nation, party or faction of the human family. Let us recognize, as the theologian states, that the line that separates good from evil passes through the heart of every human being. Until we evolve to the point at which we can look in the mirror and see that which is not good within the self, we condemn ourselves to project that unacknowledged evil outward upon someone or some group or faction of the human family. This has always been the fertile soil in which hatred and violence grows; and it can break out like a wildfire and destroy centuries of advancement. I am thankful to be an American, but I do not for a moment believe that America, or any American, is pure. The power of evil, lurking in all our hearts, tends to kill or reject those who are the purest among us. But this is what we now seek to overcome.

One of the reasons, perhaps the main reason that I am thankful to have been born in this nation is because its government is founded upon a trust in the general populace to govern itself. That is a radical trust, always in jeopardy, and predicated upon, not only the intelligence of the people, for intelligence is neutral and may be utilized for good or evil. This trust is predicated more upon the psycho-spiritual maturity and wisdom of the common men and women in its domain. It is predicated upon the mainstream populace's ability to care for the common good above selfish endeavors. Without this dynamic, democracy and world peace will never be possible. We will always be at war, like children jealously fighting for the attention and highest esteem of their parents—parents who love them both dearly and grieve their competitive nature. The great importance of government for and by the people is emphasized by the fact that evil loves power, and governing is a form of power. Common folk are not generally enamored of power. They just want to get along—work and provide for their families; enjoy the prosperity of the land and the beauty of the earth. They are, therefore, a safer repository of power than the minority who are afflicted with a need to rule. But this latter will always be those who compete and work diligently to gain that power. A government that places the ultimate power in the hands of the common folk is therefore genius—provided the common folk are psycho-spiritually mature. This is why our Founding Fathers wove together democracy and unfettered religion. They realized, in a manner that seems advanced beyond their time, that democracy could not maintain itself without this growing maturity that facilitates sincere and intelligent good will and a willingness to overcome the baser drives of human personality. In fact, any true religion places this endeavor—the overcoming of the “sinful nature” inherent in every human—at the apex of importance. And any religion that attempts to force or coerce cannot originate from the God Who has set us free—even to violate His will. The God of this universe does not need man to enforce His will; He is quite capable of that Himself, if it were His will to govern by power, fear and intimidation. Every bird, butterfly and child's lovely face speaks loudly that this is not the way of the God of creation. We must come to realize that our lives must be motivated, more and more over time, by the Love that we have for our children. That Love must be the decisive factor in all our endeavors. And that Love must not be excluded from any human or group of humans on this earth—even those who seem to be absorbed in the darkness of hatred or the lust for power. We must trust the power of that Love to overcome all evil, as light always overcomes darkness. We must raise this endeavor to a conscious level, and keep it infused with hope, because it is always in danger of sinking down underneath the worries and cares of daily life, drained by cynicism or overcome by the fearful need for power and its false security. Any viable religious practice must serve to keep its practitioners mindful of this Love, and growing in their capacity to live it out in the world of daily living. And those who do not believe in a supernatural being must surely see and realize that there is no higher motive for the human will than this Love. We can all, therefore, be unified in Love. I do not believe there is another force on earth that will unify us.

May God bless America, and may God bless the human family.

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