Sometimes we feel trapped in situations where we must make an important decision and we know that there are potentially difficult consequences with both options. In this situation we look deeply and carefully at both sets of consequences, as well as the desired outcome [why we are making the decision and what we hope to gain]. Fear of consequences will keep us from looking deeply into them; and we may recoil in fear from what would be the best decision! And frequently, without realizing it, what we really fear is our reaction to those consequences because we do not trust ourselves to handle them well. This is a lack of faith: the faith that gives courage to face down all fears in pursuit of Truth. In faith we can ask God, Who gives wisdom liberally to all who seek in sincerity and humility, and Who always guides us in the most loving direction, in the healthiest sense of the word "loving". Then we know that we can deal with the difficult consequences of our decision, because we will be, as we are now, abiding in Christ--in the Spirit. In Christ we can do all things, even deal with those consequences. We will be abiding in and living through the Spirit that continues to love people no matter how unenlightened by His Spirit they may be. We will be in the Spirit that is powerful enough to love its enemies, and that supplies self-control in emotional circumstances.
Some people read this and have an inner sense of the Reality of "abiding in Christ" or "in the Spirit". Others do not, and will perhaps turn away confused or nonplussed. For those who want to try to understand what it means [inwardly feels like] to abide in the Spirit of Christ I encourage you to simply study His life and teachings in the New Testament. If you have read this far, I would say you are capable of making your own independent decision about who or what He is, [ I capitalize the pronouns of His name because of what I have discovered Him to be] and need not fear being "brainwashed" into some theological cult. But this may not be the time for you to experience this Reality--this Awakening. That time must come like the ripening of fruit; it cannot be pushed forward by man. It can only be received. It is a gift of grace. This grace can come, however, by the reading of the Word, so I invite you to give it a try. An honest reading of the New Testament can be a powerful experience, even from the literary standpoint. I don't think one could call his education complete without doing so, considering the powerful way it has permeated and transformed humanity and human history.
All our decision making is taking us into whatever future we are creating for ourselves. It is obviously wise to seek Divine Wisdom . We have seen what humans can create. When the Love of Christ is our guiding principle, we begin to create heaven on earth.
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