I think it is a matter of grave concern that American society is generally not interested in the Christian message, or more precisely, in Christ Himself. This is certainly due to a number of factors, but generally people seem to be caught up, like lemmings, in the onward rush of external advancement, neglecting the more foundational and necessary level of spiritual advancement. This results in Christianity being relegated to the margins of society, which is repulsive to youth who want nothing less than to be marginalized, resulting in churches full of elderly people watching sadly as society withers from lack of Living Water while their children worship human idols or get lost in the darkness of addictions, depression and meaninglessness. Christianity becomes then like a hard-shelled seed, containing Life, but lying on hard ground that cannot receive a root. As in nature, where some seeds require a fire to open and grow, society may require a "fire" of social ills in order to become fertile for the healing, life-restoring power of the Love of Christ. There is in the Bible an infinite treasure of wisdom, prudence and understanding regarding all affairs of life. Yet we see people generally ignoring it, passing by the dusty copy on the shelf [or failing to Google it, which is a wonderful opportunity we now have!] as they swing from branch to vine like a monkey through the decaying forest of daily life.
In the barren soil of spiritual acedia and material prosperity, many manifestations of darkness of the soul begin to take root and grow like weeds in an untended garden. Each generation can be carried by the random winds of selfishness embedded in entertainment and demagoguery farther and farther away from the Truth that preserves us. The word "religion" derives from Latin words meaning "to bind back." In its pathological manifestations it prevents society from moving forward in the great adventure of discovering new frontiers of freedom, joy and peace, as evidenced by the Pharisees in Jesus' time and those religionists who feared scientific discovery in the 17th Century. In its truest and intended manifestations, religion binds us to that which keeps us free from the many wayward pathways leading to societal decline. What we label the "conservative" and "liberal" viewpoints may be seen as the opposite poles of this human dynamic. And there is both pathology and health on both poles. They are a healthy and necessary counterbalance to each other. Conservatism without the forward pull of liberalism is stultifying. Liberalism without conservatism moves toward licentiousness. Jesus, in His infinite wisdom, summarizes: "I do not come to destroy the law [which would be pathological liberalism] but to fulfill the law" [embracing the conservative moorings of eternal principles] Matthew 5:17 [added]. Love in its highest and deepest manifestations [the Love of Christ] embraces and incorporates all that is ultimately true and good from both poles, and is that fulfillment.
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