Friday, September 6, 2013

You are a Student and a Teacher



Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and you will find rest for your souls. [Jesus Mat.11:29]


Go  therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:   Teaching them to observe all things  I have commanded you: and I am with you always, even to the end of the world. Amen [Jesus, Mat 28:19-20]


We are lifelong students of our Lord, Jesus. He teaches us how to love our people—those in our sphere of influence. He teaches us how to live a life of loving kindness, good will, peace and joy. He leads us in the Way of Truth and goodness, and teaches us the meaning of “success”.    His parables have a depth of meaning that never stops unfolding before our eyes, and in our hearts. Just as He was transformed before the eyes of His disciples, so that they could see Him in His radiant divinity, He transforms within us; and he transforms us into the creatures that we were created to become. We joyfully take His yoke upon ourselves and learn from Him. We joyfully bear the burden of loving our fellow humans. We have come to understand that there is no better way to live—no better way of being in the world. He continually imparts wisdom and peace to us.  He perpetually reminds us of the glorious promises of God: to be with us always, even to the end of the age; to complete the work He has begun in us; to work all things together for our good; to sustain us through all of life’s tribulations; to give us cheerful, compassionate hearts; abundant life; joy;  peace; victory over all the dark and oppressive  forces of this world; and eternal life. He continually teaches, guides and sustains us through life. He continually imparts to us all that we will ever need to be free and joyful servants of God and man. We live in this eternal Reality.

And we are teachers, as He has commanded us. We teach, by our example and with our words, all that He has imparted to us. We teach our children, and we teach anyone who has the ability to hear. We teach with humility, always aware that that we are not the Source of Truth: we are the recipients and channels of it. We understand that God loves those who are far away from Him as much as those who are close. We gladly offer all He has given to us.  We accept deeply that some will hear and receive; and some will not. Following His example, we do not allow rejection to deter us. Always there will be some who will hear, and find true Life. We rejoice with Him and all the angels in heaven for these. We lament, with Him, the sadness of those who do not hear. But we always allow His peace to return to us, as he commanded. Joy always has the final word in Christ.

This is what we live.

This is what we teach. 

We are thankful.


Lord Jesus, we gladly sit at your feet like Mary. We gladly receive all that You impart to us. Give us courage and clarity to be capable teachers, in all humility and peace. Amen.


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