Saturday, August 4, 2018

Life--Valuing and Living It

Take a moment to get in touch with the value of your life. How valuable is your life? And the lives of your loved ones? Think of your "awesomely made" body; your mysterious and wonderful mind. Feel the beating of your faithful, consistent heart, pushing life-nourishing blood through your veins, into capillaries, supplying each one of your 120 trillion cells, each of which is a microscopic universe of life supporting activity in which warfare is conducted against harmful invaders; proteins produced, cells replicated.  You are being sustained, maintained and protected by your cells as they work together collaboratively with the single goal of keeping you alive and conscious! You are a conglomerate of living systems working harmoniously to keep you alive. You had absolutely nothing to do with this miraculous gift, but you use your mysterious, powerful mind to enhance or deter it through the lifestyles you choose; the choices you make; the very thoughts that you think.

     Most of this goes on unnoticed; but I am asking you to notice it. The deeper you go into awareness of your life and the biological and psychological processes of your life, of life itself, the more amazed you will become. The more gifted you will feel. And thankful to the Giver. This is an aspect of maturity.
I don't want to wait until I or someone I love gets the big, bad diagnosis or has a life-threatening accident to get in touch with the value of my life and the lives of my loved ones. I want to embrace the miraculous gift of life on this incredibly beautiful and life-sustaining earth every day--every moment if possible. I will not fear death [I know that life continues beyond it] but I will allow it to evoke within me the gift of valuing life on this earth, and doing my best to be a good steward of my allotted time here. And for me that means bringing as much of the Love and Truth of Jesus Christ into this world as possible. I have spent some time trying to think of a better way to live, and I cannot.

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