Monday, August 27, 2018

Truth and Freedom

Jesus said "If you continue in my way, you will know the TRUTH and it will set you free." It will lead you into an awareness of the freedom that you have had from creation. You were created free, and innocent. But you did not know freedom and innocence, because you were lost in it—found, but lost—like a fish does not know water. You had to lose freedom and innocence in order to know that they exist. They never stopped existing, but you got lost from them—lost in the world. Jesus, like a good Shepherd, comes out into that world and rescues you. He brings you home to an awareness of the freedom of the TRUTH. The TRUTH has always been and will always be what it is—glorious beyond imagination. You cannot change the TRUTH, you can simply wake up to it. This is God's will for you. To wake up. When you wake up, you realize that you are free—from death, hell, fear, worry, and all that is oppressive. Jesus said, I come to release you from all oppression. He is indeed a Good Shepherd. He gives His life for His sheep. There is no greater Love than this.
Many are living their lives in the distractions of the world. If they would pay close attention to their inner being, they would realize that these distractions are not fulfilling them—they are dissatisfied in their core. St. Augustine was correct when he said “You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you.
Jesus brings us into this rest. This place of rest is our true home. Thus we sing songs about coming home. We still get distracted by the world, but underneath we know all is well because we have come to know that this TRUTH does not change when we are distracted from it. We always wake up—and smile, along with God, Who is smiling with us. All is well. Love and peace come naturally here because we are at one with God Who is Love and Peace.
God is now and has always been giving you everything you need. As you draw near to God, you discover that you can live your life with open heart like open hands. You are not resisting anything, and you are not striving toward anything except the increase of this Truth that brings freedom and peace to more and more awakening souls.

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