I recently read this statement: "You don't have to have an academic degree to have common sense." I agree--to a certain extent. But I remember another statement I read some years ago: "Common sense is what tells us that the earth is flat and the sun and stars revolve around it." If you conflate these statements, you might conclude that common sense, followed to its ultimate extent, tells us that we must look deeply into some aspects of life, holding an open mind, and not being too dogmatic about too many things. Some dogmatically held on to the flat earth principle to the extent that they persecuted those who held otherwise.
There are a few things that I am dogmatic about. Only a few. One is that the ultimate Truth is very good--better than we can yet totally experience. My very existence is the only confirmation of that that I need. Beyond my existence however is exorbitant evidence that the Truth is good: manhood and womanhood, the existence of the experience of "beauty", and humor, laughter and playfulness, the feelings that we have for our children, the amazing resilience and stamina we have to overcome the worst of life's tribulations, the fact that we can perceive in ourselves a psycho-spiritual evolution---a progressive enlightenment---albeit slower than we might hope. We had absolutely nothing to do with any of these except that we benefit from the gift of them. I have come to trust deeply the goodness of the Power [the Truth] by which this life and these experiences came into existence. I am dogmatic about that. And since the best that I can perceive within myself and my fellow humans is Love, in its most evolved manifestations, I am dogmatic about the belief that the ultimate Power, the ultimate Truth, is exclusively this Love, because the best in me, and the ability to perceive such a fact, would be the gift of that Power.
When I read the New Testament [something every true seeker of Truth must do] these facts that I am dogmatic about are confirmed---especially in the life and teachings of Jesus. He said that He is the Truth. And He lived a life of perfect Love in human form. He commanded His followers to love each other, and even their enemies. {Mt. 5:44] And He taught us that God is Love.[John 3:16, 1John 4:8].
When I live in the Light of this Truth, I find a peace that I desire for everyone that I love. And in Him, I love everyone. This is like coming Home. It is to find and inwardly experience true freedom.
Then we have good common sense, infused with wisdom and humility.
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