This video expresses the philosophy of Jordan Peterson and intelligently explores the current political polarization. I obviously recommend it.
My comments would be: We have come to focus too much on "rights" and too little on "responsibilities". This is Jordan Peterson's message, and it's a very accurate and important one. In this left-leaning social environment, the Christian faith has been ignored, demeaned, misrepresented and identified with a rigid and stultifying component of conservatism rather than the unifying, liberating and life-enhancing power that it actually is for those who go deeply into it. Christianity, the way I and many people in my circle understand and experience it, seems to be the primary, if not only, influence in the human family that can unify us without force or violence while simultaneously maintaining and even enhancing the beauty and value of all cultural sub-types. Jesus described His Way as "yeast in a lump of dough". Without it we risk a revolutionary explosion of the suppressed frustrations that accrue to normal spiritless living in ANY political or economic system. The problem is not the "system". The problem is the individual soul. When that is transformed [which Christ does wonderfully and thoroughly] then the world becomes what it can and should be, and what we have always wanted it to be. Otherwise we continue to unconsciously project, and set up and destroy straw men; tilting at windmills. Then we create something that is as [or more] pathological than the "system" that we destroyed. History is replete with this cycle.
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