Monday, December 25, 2017

Christianity and Freedom

We must always be on guard against the power mongers. Our democracy has a built in balancing dynamic: separation of powers; checks and balances--because our amazing Founding Fathers recognized the perennial, persistent and invasive tendencies of the lust for power.  This is also why they interwove religion in their dialogue, and sought to protect it, recognizing that government for and by the people required a populace that was wise--not just smart. Power mongers are smart. Wise people work for the common good. And the religion they intended to protect was predominately, if not exclusively, Christianity. Our Fathers would have never sought to protect a religion that had as its ultimate aim the bringing of the whole of society into a theocracy, taking precedence over the very Constitution that provided it its rights. The Fathers, being men who knew the Bible, recognized that Christianity was a "leaven" that entered society and enhanced its life, freedom, peace and love for all mankind. Christ never ordained a theocracy. He said "render unto Caesar [the government] what is Caesar's, and unto God that which is God's".  [Mark 12:17].  One effect of the "religious right" is a certain paranoic  fear of theocracy in the United States. And, as is typical when people react in fear, there is the danger of overreacting and, in this case, throwing out the baby with the bath water---of seeing demons where there are none. It's important to remember that the roots of our freedom go deep into Judaeo-Christianity. Every Christian church on the many horizons of America's highways and country roads, if it is teaching the doctrine of its namesake, is teaching people to love their neighbors, be faithful to their spouse, take good care of their children, abstain from addictive vices, to help those in need, and even to love their enemies {Mt 5:44}.  (Where else in our society are these things being encouraged? School? Media?) There is no subversive movement to take over the government or force people to do what God wants them to do. Christians realize that God has set people free; and He does not want anyone to try to take that freedom away. It only requires the right to speak its Truth--the Truth of Christ--and will do this even if the government forbids; something that is evident in the world today in nations where it is illegal to propagate the Gospel, as it was for the first disciples. All these nations or cultures are being governed by tyrants whose power is threatened by the Truth of Christ. They either do not trust that people can be free and maintain a stable and peaceful society, or they are ensnared in the blindness of the lust for power.  America is a test to see if the former conception is valid. A primary threat to our freedom is the persecution of the Church. Wherever the Church is persecuted, freedom is diminished--and not just for Christians. Persecution can be subtle, like racism. Social and other media wield much power in the American psyche, and if the media portrays Christianity primarily as hypocritical, ignorant, and/or regressive, then young people do not want to be associated with it and fail to discover and reap the benefits of the rich storehouse of spiritual maturity Christ offers. Where else, however, in our society will they be encouraged, regularly and zealously, to overcome the love of money and their innate selfishness? To work sincerely and diligently for the common good without thought of earthly gain? To treat others how they want to be treated? To live free from guilt and condemnation? To never hate any human being? Can we trust our government to do this? Our schools? It is wise to encourage and work for the growth of the Christian faith, even if one is not a Christian. I once read that a Jewish Rabbi wanted America to remain a "Christian" nation, because he realized that Judaism is safe within Christianity. Someone has said that Christianity is like the burning fire of the ancient cave man, keeping the beasts of prey at large. As long as the fire burned brightly, he was safe; but the glaring eyes of the beasts of prey reflected in the periphery, waiting for the fire to die down.

Monday, December 18, 2017

Democracy and Wisdom

In order for our democratic government to prevail--or survive--we must have governmental officials who are courageously truthful, free from greed, sincere in working for the common good, and diligently honest. They must be trustworthy. But the best imaginable rulers will not be enough. In a democracy, there must be a general populace that is not only educated, but wise and mature. It is impossible to maintain freedom, as we know it, in a society of hot-headed and hateful citizens. If we lose civility, we lose it all. This is why Christianity, in its purest form, as taught by Christ Himself, is so important. Jesus Christ leads people toward the maturity that enables freedom.

Friday, December 8, 2017

To The Arrogant

Who are you, you ant, crawling around the edge of the Grand Canyon, thinking that you might perceive the breadth and height and depth of it? Crawling around on the surface of this earth like a fungus, destroying the green life, spewing the poisonous breath of your greed into its atmosphere. You think, in your blind arrogance, that you determine Truth? You create with that which you did not create; even your own mind. Yet you think, because of your great accomplishments, the mind that you did not create is the highest intelligence in the universe? Tell me, if you can, what is a thought? How were you conceived, and what happened that your physical body was formed in the womb of a woman? Can you duplicate the process by which you came to be? Starting from nothing?
You did not and can not create or determine Truth! Truth was here before the earth came to be. You are here because of Truth, and you operate, from birth to death, within its domain. But you do not determine it. It would greatly behoove you to go to your knees in humility and ask the God of this universe, Who gave you life and a sustaining earth, to please reveal Himself to you. But if you approach Him without appropriate humility and sincerity, you should not expect to hear the Good News that sets the spirit free. God does not respond to pride and arrogance kindly. It would not be loving to do so. Hell is full of the proud and arrogant, the power mongers and deceitful [and deceived] manipulators; those who get lost in themselves and all the stuff of man. Run from that hell! Run fast and hard! Run toward Truth as if it were the only line trailing behind the mid-ocean cruise ship from which you just fell overboard. Your life depends on it. And if you feel some fear about death and about your own dark side, that is very good. Nourish that fear. “Twas grace that taught my heart to fear” [John Newton, from the hymn "Amazing Grace"].  “The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom” [Prov.1:7].  Let that fear drive you toward the Truth that will free you from all fear. Wake up! Wake up!

Wednesday, December 6, 2017


It's the Christmas season and we try to do the best we can amid the hoopla to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Who is Jesus? We probably should not assume that we know the answer to this question in its entirety---that we know Him in His entirety. And if it is possible to know more about Jesus, it will certainly be of supreme advantage to do so, considering that He is God in the flesh. I've known people who were Christians for decades and were still gaining life-changing insights from Him. I'm one of them, thankfully.
How do we know Jesus? I don't think we know exactly what knowing is. Knowing is something of the mind; and we do not know what the mind is. We do not know what a thought is. Sometimes knowing feels more like a thing of the heart; and we do not know, scientifically speaking, what the [metaphorical] heart is. Nevertheless, I think I know my wife of 47 years pretty well; and I sense that she knows me pretty well also; though I would never assume that I know everything about either of us. I'm thankful for this lack of complete knowledge---it keeps life interesting. I know, usually quite accurately, how Lynn, my wife will respond in many circumstances. I know what she will say to me about certain things that I say or do. I can hear her voice in my head frequently. I know her because I live with her and have spent much time with her over the years. I have been with her in joyful and in grief-stricken situations. I have seen her suffer. This is how we get to know someone--being with them, communicating with them. Especially we get to know someone by trying to love them. Loving someone opens the door to understanding them. Jesus encouraged us to "love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength" [Luke 10:27].  Loving Jesus helps us to know Him, and knowing Him magnifies our love for Him. We love everyone in the world better by loving Jesus first and foremost.  We spend time with Jesus by reading the Holy Word. [We  have great access to the Word now through our technology. I use the .] We look deeply into His teachings, how He lived His life, how He related to the people He encountered while in the flesh, how He responded to the things that happened to Him. We listen carefully to what those who lived with Him said about Him; how He impacted their lives. We look deeply into the resistance and persecution that He encountered and try to understand the root of it. Did those who opposed Him have a legitimate complaint? What was it that they opposed about Him? Mainly we want to know what His message was.  What was He [is He] saying to the human family that seems so important to so many, to the point that we would demarcate all of history by His time on the earth [2017 A.D., Anno Domini, "In the year of our Lord"]?  We know Jesus by answering these questions. If we have not sought sincerely to answer these questions we cannot rightly call ourselves Christians. To be a Christian means minimally that we are trying to know Jesus, and to walk with Him in spirit. So we study and we meditate on Him, His life and teachings. The Bible says "be still and know that I am  God." [Ps46:10].  Being still is very difficult. But it is very necessary if we are to know God.  We have to take a stand against the noise and impositions of the world; and in our day they are many. We have created an incredibly stimulating world. Sometimes I think that what we label "ADHD" in children is simply their adaptation to the massive amount of stimuli to which they are unavoidably exposed. Perhaps we are all, to some degree, afflicted by attention deficit disorder, our attention being grabbed and pulled into the alluring and interesting and entertaining stimuli that we have surrounded ourselves with. Maybe we are in some way like lemmings, stirred up and excited by our own creations to the extent that we do not see ourselves marching toward the ocean cliffs. I strongly urge you to assertively push it all back, turn off everything, create or find a sanctuary where you can calm and still your soul. Then reach out to [open up to] the God of this universe and thank Him for your life---for food and clothing and a home; for manhood and womanhood, children, beauty, music, a sense of humor. All these are gifts that you did not earn, work for or deserve. Your life is a GIFT! But you can be too busy to be thankful or even take note of how you are living it. God, Whom you approach in your stillness, will help you overcome your pathological busyness, as well as all other problems---ALL of them! He is, after all, God. He keeps us from getting lost in our problems---lost in the world. Jesus warns us about the "worries and cares of the world" and how they choke out life like briers and bushes choke out the fruit of the garden. Jesus keeps us focused on the important aspects of life. He delivers us from being like the man who spent his entire life vigilantly climbing a ladder only to determine that it was leaning against the wrong wall. He saves from being like some of those we see in nursing homes who are bitter or scared of death. We see that those who have walked with Him face death peacefully--even joyfully; and that they continue to bless their loved ones from their death bed. My own mother and father were wonderful examples of this truth. Knowing Jesus brings more blessings into life than we can number. As Isaac Watts penned in the hymn, "We're Marching to Zion": "The hill of Zion yields a thousand sacred treats, before we reach the heavenly fields or walk the golden streets." 
In our stillness before the God of this universe, we ask Him humbly, "What is Truth?" And He brings us to the One Who said "I am the...Truth..." [John 14:6].  We listen carefully and deeply to this One, and we find gifts and blessings that cannot be communicated except by Him to you.


{Teach your children}

The hard candy reminds us that Jesus is our rock.For God alone my soul waits in silence; from him comes my salvation. He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be greatly moved. Psa 62:1-2
Every one who comes to me and hears my words and does them, I will show you what he is like:
he is like a man building a house, who dug deep, and laid the foundation upon rock; and when a flood arose, the stream broke against that house, and could not shake it, because it had been well built.
Luk 6:47-48

The cane shape reminds us of a shepherd’s staff and the shepherds that came to worship Jesus. It also reminds us of how Jesus came into the world to be a shepherd of his people. — And the angel said to [the shepherds], "Be not afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of a great joy which will come to all the people; Luke 2:10 and
I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. John 10:11
Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me. Ps:22

The upside-down candy cane forms the letter “J” and reminds us of the name of Jesus which means “God saves.” — … do not fear to take Mary your wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit; she will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins." Matthew 1:21

The peppermint flavor reminds us of the gift of spices from the Wise Men. —
When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy;
and going into the house they saw the child with Mary his mother, and they fell down and worshiped him. Then, opening their treasures, they offered him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh.
Matthew 2:10-11

The white candy reminds us of purity and holiness. It recalls the virgin birth of Christ, the sinless life of Christ and the holy life that Jesus wants his people to live. —
"Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and his name shall be called Emmanuel" (which means, God with us).Matthew 1:23 and
As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance,
but as he who called you is holy, be holy yourselves in all your conduct; 1 Peter 1:14-15

The color red reminds us that Jesus became a real flesh and blood man and spilled his blood to save his people. — Since therefore the children share in flesh and blood, he himself likewise partook of the same nature, that through death he might destroy him who has the power of death, that is, the devil, Hebrews 2:14 and
but if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin. 1Jo 1:7

The stripes remind us of the lashes Jesus received when he suffered for us and ultimately bore our sins that we might be healed. He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed. For you were straying like sheep, but have now returned to the Shepherd and Guardian of your souls. 1 Peter 2:24-25

Tuesday, December 5, 2017


Grace is the only Power that enables us to live with our character defects without either morbid guilt or denial. Denial gives a shallow and temporary sense of confidence that can appear quite solid and secure, depending upon how well one is at repressing the Truth. But this confidence will not withstand the fire of Ultimate Truth, which we all will face in due time, and for which we must be prepared today!
" For there is nothing covered that will not be revealed, and hidden that will not be known" says Jesus. [Mt. 10:26].  This uncovering will be hell for some; heaven for others.  Grace enables us to come out of denial, receive the unspeakable gift of forgiveness [without just assuming that we already have it and/or taking it for granted--a serious mistake! ] and devote ourselves to Jesus and His Love for humankind. Grace frees us from our unknown encumbrances to Love--receiving and giving it. Shame and an excessive sense of inadequacy dim the Light of Love that Jesus would have shining in and through us. Denial makes us dangerous for the human family--a soul through whom Satan can operate freely. So we see the unspeakable gift and importance of Grace in that it destroys guilt and shame and delivers us from the darkness of denial. We are sinners! We proclaim it loudly. And we know as intimately as we can the specifics of our sinful nature. We keep them in mind because they encumber us in our Love for our people, which is our supreme commitment in obedience to Christ. But we are not guilty or ashamed because we dare not make Christ's sacrifice of no avail to us; which would be disgraceful to Him Who paid such a horrific price for our freedom and Who loves us beyond measure. May His name be praised forever and ever and may His freeing Grace be received into the hearts of many.

Power: The Sexual Harassment Solution?

“Ultimately, the thing that will bring the most to change our culture is the one I’ve been writing and talking about for a long time: having more women with more power,”  Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook executive.

Men tend to be attracted to vulnerability in women. This is the root of pedophilia and sexual harassment in the marketplace. As far as sex alone is concerned, powerful women tend to be a turnoff. There are at least two basic responses a man can make to the vulnerability that he loves in womanhood: He can take advantage of it, or he can protect it--protect her within the context of her vulnerability. If he takes advantage of her vulnerability, she must begin to harden and strengthen; in other words to become more masculine. If he respects her womanhood, she is free to grow in the feminine strength that healthy men love and need. She doesn't have to compete with him or guard herself against him. The paradox of men using power to coerce sexual gratification from women is that it forces those women to become more powerful and therefore less sexually attractive to men.
It is a principle in life that we live by power or we live by love. The less we love, the more that power will ascend. If we do not obey the righteous laws of man, those who enforce the law will arm themselves more powerfully and become more invasive. If we do not use our freedoms responsibly, eventually they will be removed by some powerful force. As Edmund Burke said "It is ordained in the eternal constitution of things that men of intemperate minds can never be free. Their passions forge their fetters."
More power is not the long-term solution. Though it certainly is necessary to protect the vulnerable from forces in society that would abuse their vulnerability. Psycho-spiritual growth toward the Love of Jesus Christ is the only deep and thorough solution. Prayer and submission to the God of this universe, Who is Love, and Who loves His daughters and sons equally, and Who has ordained something as beautiful as manhood and womanhood: this is the only freedom-enhancing solution. 

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Socialism and Capitalism

It seems to me that Socialism can only work when people are not generally lazy, dependent, irresponsible or entitled, which makes them parasitical. And Capitalism can only work when people are not generally greedy, which generates hoarding and prevents the "trickle down" effect. But when people are greedy, lazy, irresponsible and entitled, the only economic system that can work is one that is governed by tyranny and driven by fear of a power that forces people to do what works for the system. This points to the importance of Christianity in its purest form, which transforms the heart of greedy, irresponsible humans and militates toward a community of Love characterized by generosity and sincere desire for the common good. When a society is infused with Christian Love any governmental or economic system can work. Without this Love, only tyranny and fear can stabilize a society. Our choice seems to be either that society will be governed by Love, or it will be governed by fear, greed and power.

Monday, November 27, 2017


Spent Thanksgiving week in Gulf Shores, AL. Weather was beautiful; beach sparsely populated; skies clear; sunrises and sunsets; and one beautiful moonset. I had some time to be still, alone amid some natural dunes. I meditated on the meaning and experience of gratitude---thankfulness. I know, in my own experience, that, most Thanksgivings, I have talked more about thankfulness than I have consciously experienced. So I sat long, allowing the inner experience of gratitude to well up in me.  As always, when I sit, there is a lot of garbage, smoke and dust that must settle before clarity emerges.  If you've meditated, you know what I mean. If you haven't, I recommend that you do.  Otherwise thankfulness can be just another concept rattling around in a jumbled, monkey mind.  But  when you be still long enough to let the delusionary dust settle, opening to your own life, your own inner being, you may be stricken with an emerging sense of awe and wonder. How long has your heart been beating now? By what miraculous power? How do your eyes discern colors? How gloriously warming the sun can feel on your skin! What is your mind? Is there anything wrong with the cosmos? Or is it just us--our delusions that worry and frustrate us, and cause us to hate and fear? If we sit and meditate long enough we begin to see the futility of all our worries. If, with humility and sincerity, we call upon the God of this universe, He will manifest Himself to us in special and unique ways. We can Hear His voice in the sounds of the ocean, the laughter of seagulls and children playing on the beach. We see Him in the light dancing on the water; the reeds flowing like waves in the wind; orange and pink clouds at sunset. We can begin to trust that He really is Love, like the Bible says. And if He is Love, then all is here because of Love--I am here because of Love; life is sometimes difficult because of Love; death and suffering are allowed by Love; and all things really are working together for my good because the God of this universe is Love and is allowing all things because of Love.
How arrogant of us to assume that, because we do not understand certain things that God allows, He must not be loving, powerful or trustworthy. We must consider that the very mind that is thinking those thoughts has been created by this God that we are judging as somehow wrong. And we do not even understand our own minds; or the conception process; or gravity; or how this planet became life-sustaining. We do not have high enough ground to stand on to judge God. But we do have hearts and eyes, the capacity to love, humor, music, and creative powers---and they have all been GIVEN to us! It is humbling to meditate deeply on the fact that we did not create ourselves--we don't even understand ourselves! We experience everything that we experience because we have been given life!  It is, therefore, very appropriate that, with some sense of humility and integrity, we stand up straight, look Godward, and from a very deep place within us say "Thank You God! Thank You very, very much! Please help me to do something good with this unspeakably awesome gift."
Jesus will, without fail, answer that prayer in the most lovely way imaginable. He will give you confidence and peace in the midst of your worst sufferings because you will know you are suffering for the right reasons. You will cry tears of joy. You will be in touch with the Eternity that you have never been apart from except in the darkness of your mind. He will bring you, through the path of the Cross, to the great adventure of loving people with the Love of God. You will become Light.

Monday, November 13, 2017

Freedom and Love

A junior high school girl whom I was counseling once whined "Why can't we all just do what we feel like doing?" She was voicing the adolescent and childhood complaint of  everyone. That's where we start in life: just wanting to do what we feel like doing. We equate being able to do what we feel like doing with freedom. But, as every parent knows, there are constraints to this type of "freedom." And for the rest of our lives, and throughout the history of the human family we deal with the definition of those constraints--the definition of freedom. We enact laws to restrain certain "freedoms". But who or what determines the constraints of freedom? Is there a pool of ancient knowledge or wisdom that we draw from in determining the limits, or definition, of freedom? Or does the whim of every nation and culture determine for itself what is right and good? Do the laws of a nation determine that pedophilia, for instance, is good or evil, and therefore allowed or disallowed? If a nation determines that genocide is legal, is there no objective moral code that is above the law of that nation? And if so, who or what determines this code? Can anarchy work? Or is Edmund Burke correct in asserting that there must be a controlling factor in any society?  When we press these questions deeply enough in light of human history and of what we see in our daily lives, we realize that freedom is associated with good and evil; that there is, in fact, good and evil, and that laws are designed to allow and foster the good and to prevent evil. And it seems evident that good and evil are pre-existent; that is, we humans did not and do not determine that, for instance, rape and murder are evil: they were and are evil independent of our determinations. So they are forbidden by our laws--not allowed within the realm of "freedom". We are not free to rape and murder, even if we "feel" like it or want to. There is necessary restraint on human passions. But what is the limit of this boundary between restraint and freedom? How do we determine what is to be allowed and what to be forbidden? And, more deeply, what is freedom at its core--in the essence of its reality? It seems that a man can be living in a free society and feel chronically enslaved, frustrated, wanting and needing more of something he is not getting. And a man can live in an oppressed society, or even in prison, and feel free and content. Freedom may be predominantly a feeling born of naivete or spiritual maturity. It may be the fruit of looking deeply into life--Reality as it is.
The Bible teaches that freedom is the fruit of a life lived in obedience to the principle of Love--the Love of God as manifested and offered through Jesus Christ. In this Love we are free from the "Law" because the Law is fulfilled in Love.  As Augustine said: "Love, and do what you will." Love delivers us from selfish, destructive and vain pursuits that do not fulfill and lead to increased desire [like addictions]. Unfulfilled desire leads to frustration, which can escalate into anger and bitterness--like the man who recently [at the time of this writing] walked into a church and killed twenty-six people because he could not have what he wanted with his ex-wife. One of the paradoxes of Christianity is that we find our freedom by helping others get free from the enslavement of  sin and delusions. Jesus frankly said  "If the Son therefore shall make you free, you shall be free indeed." [Jhn 8:36]  This is the freedom of Christ--the freedom of Love--the freedom for which and in which we were born.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Character Transformation

Fear and desire can cause one to suppress his true character for a time. We use this to shape the habits, and hopefully the character, of our children. For example, we use their fear of consequences and their desire to please their parents to get them to behave properly--to suppress the bad behaviors and exhibit the good ones. In adulthood, as in childhood, if the character is not permeated and transformed, this is basically manipulative. And we do not mind our children manipulating us in this way; they are at least forming a habit of good behavior.  But we pray that they will eventually realize the eternal value and rationality of being truly good--or at least aspiring to it.  In adulthood, as with so many other aspects of life, this issue is more grave. A man, for instance, can suppress his misogynous character in order to charm a woman to have sex with him, perhaps even to marry him.  His desire  causes him to suppress his true character. But his meanness will eventually emerge. A single mother may desperately need a man to help her raise her children, so she pretends to love a man of means for whom she has no real attraction. But it is very difficult to feign attraction over time.
Jesus transforms the heart--the very inner character of the believer. When I look deeply into my own heart, and based on what I see in those who have allowed me to look deeply into their hearts [and since I am a counselor, that is a significant number of people] this inner transformation seems to be a necessary process for the attainment of true maturity. And it is an ongoing process. When it occurs within you, you understand why Christians are evangelical and why they proselytize. It's because they love the human family.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Christian Manhood

I've been thinking about manhood; Christian manhood, which is the manhood I know. I've been seriously and very imperfectly following Christ most of my adult life. And I was being dragged to church before that; before  I was launched from the nest and drifted into an unanchored young adulthood which led me into a very dry land.  When this dryness sent me searching seriously for the Truth that I sensed, on a deep level, that I needed, I found The Oasis with Living Water: Jesus Christ. So what I know, inwardly, is Christian manhood. That's what I've been thinking about. Manhood is sometimes being like a lone wolf; alone in the wilderness of human interactions. Even those we thought we knew and were trying to love (not very proficiently) became like strangers--like two lone wolves passing on a trail, feeling threatened and defensive. Sometimes we are misunderstood; sometimes we behave badly. We try to behave better, taking responsibility. And we realize that we also misunderstand others. In the lone wolf phases, we realize how men, without Christ, could become bitter, angry and hateful. A major headline in the news this day is  a massacre in a Texas church--more than 25 dead, others in critical condition--committed by a man who was apparently striking back in revenge against his ex-wife and her family. He was tired of being a lone wolf. He decided to kill some people whom, in his deluded, unenlightened mind, he believed were responsible for his unending pain, then exit this world himself. I hear near-death experiencers describe visits to hell with places for people like him. Or maybe God will know what we cannot: that he is not fit for responsibility. I trust the God who made me and all of us to know exactly how to handle him. And I know that He is Love, as my Lord has taught me. And so I am thankful that I can forgive; and be forgiven. And for the peace that that brings into my soul. So the lone wolf, no matter how far from the warmth of the pack, is always ready to serve and to lead. But his leadership is not dominating or controlling; it is servant leadership. He is not dominated by his needs or his desires. He does not react against being disrespected. He quickly gives to God, and thereby lets go of, hurt and anger before it turns to hostility. He finds his source of confidence, not in how well he is being treated by his family or life in general,  but in how well he is loving his people--those in his circle of influence. He remembers that this Love--the Love of Christ--is the main agenda. He remembers because he has, in the past, suffered the pain of forgetting--the pain of the suffering he brought to those he loves.  He hates that pain with a holy hatred that fuels, like fire, the determination to get this as right as he can possibly get it: This is about Love! He shouts it in his mind because he has seen how slippery, fickle and vain his thoughts can be; like precious energy burning out of control, not driving anything--or at least anything good.  Some of those thoughts are embarrassingly evil; something he may keep secret from everyone but God. Nothing is secret to God; and he knows it. And he knows that God is holding him accountable for whether or not he moves a little closer every day to the Love of Christ for all his people--whether he is enhancing their lives or draining them--being an agent of healing or hurt. He is actually mindful of this; he prays about it; seeks and receives the honest and compassionate feedback he gets from God through the Holy Spirit. Receives grace and forgiveness for his failures and thereby lives peacefully with a perfect God--a perfect Spirit residing within his imperfect self--cleansed from all unrighteousness--free. Free to Love.
     There is still suffering. There is always suffering in this world. We can't escape it. We can only pray to suffer rightly--for the right reasons. Not selfishly. And we pray that our suffering will have the effect that God, Who in His Love allows it, intends it to have. We realize that, no matter how profound our suffering, God is good, and good can come from it, and we can always choose how to respond. We are not victims! We suffer, along with Christ, in His Spirit, with the sufferings of our spouse, children, loved ones---the world. But we suffer in faith and hope and love. And there is a mysterious peace, like an unshakable  foundation, underneath it all.  We understand, experientially, how the same Jesus who said "My soul is sorrowful, even unto death" could say "My peace I give to you". We feel guilt and shame, fear and dread and doubt being burned away in the Consuming Fire that is drawing us into it like an eternal Light of Love, Peace and Joy. We become like a beneficent king--the king of our domain. We love all in our sphere of influence, and those outside it as well. We have good will toward all. We are joyful servants of God and man. We are not trying to control, use or impress people any more; only love them. We recognize evil; in our own sinful nature and in the world. We see how the evil prince of this world has infiltrated the minds and hearts of humankind. Our eyes are open to the realm of spirit. We fear no evil, knowing that the One who has overcome all of it is with us and in us forever. We have unshakable confidence in Him, knowing that He loves others as much as us--even those who hate Him. But, in Him, we are not manipulated by evil. We are not pawns in Satan's game, and we do not bow to those who are. We shine light into his darkness. We live in eternity with the eternal God. Our lives on this earth are directed toward sowing seeds of Truth--His Truth--the Truth of Christ. God is Love, and in Him we become Love; eternal Love, with its many faces, colors and manifestations. We are free with the only true freedom that exists. We are no longer vulnerable to what Satan can do, even through those in our own household! because we love them no matter what. We do not need them to bolster our egos or confirm our manhood by respecting us properly. We realize that our Lord was not respected properly, yet overcame in Love; and we feel His power within us, enabling us to overcome also, day by day. We accept, with a good heart, that life on earth will never be easy. And we embrace death as a transition into a glorious realm beyond human words to describe.
     Mature manhood has a deep and sincere respect and admiration for womanhood, bordering on reverence because he recognizes her to be a gift from God--literally.  A clear perception of womanhood causes a man to be thankful to God. In the creation, God said "It is not good for man to be alone. I will give him a helper." And He created a being, in His own image, who was  wired with a bent toward Love, who was more naturally inclined to give, serve, help, make sacrifices, not compete, be content in the background, nurture, etc.  Someone who could actually love a man--something that is hard for a mature man to understand, except as a gift from God--a physical manifestation of His love. And, historically, what has man done with this great gift? We have subjugated her because she was physically weaker and by nature submissive to man. We have abused her and used her for our selfish desires. We gave her the right to vote in America in 1920, after a long battle against those who thought it was "too extreme".  An interesting read:
It should not surprise us that such a movement as "Feminism" should arise; or that some women become lesbians, unable to trust man, let alone desire to be with him. Some reactions, however, to evil become a different kind of evil. It is as incumbent upon woman to love man, as for him to love her. God forbids us to "return evil for evil." We're all in this together. The extreme failure of one human being to love can wreak havoc and inflict much unnecessary suffering in the lives of many people. The Texas massacre is an example of this.  We must be conscious and proactive in propagating the Kingdom. Evangelism and proselytizing are labeled and stigmatized as something to deride. They are the fruit of  spiritual maturity--God's Love being offered through a brother or sister--the aroma of love and freedom wafting through the human family. Some catch a whiff, follow it, and find abundant and eternal life--move from zombie-land into the free world of the Kingdom.
If you are not in the Kingdom, you should be scared.  John Newton penned in the profound hymn, Amazing Grace, "Twas grace that taught my heart to fear." That fear is rational if you are not in the Kingdom. That fear is the voice of a loving God calling you into freedom and divine love. The only way out is to listen to that Voice. It is the voice of love--the love of Jesus Christ. If you don't know Him, you should be scared. Because it is only in Him that we find the grace which relieves all our fears ("And grace my fears relieved.") "Perfect love drives out fear." (1John 4:18). Mature men seek always to abide in this love--in Christ who lives in us.

Friday, October 20, 2017


I had scampered with the other mice-men under the canopy of the earth-forest, nose to the ground in search of the next morsel, for such a long time. The forest, once fresh and promising, had become moldy, too humid or too arid; all the paths were worn, going to places I'd been before—not much there to go for. My soul began to shrivel like a nut buried under winter snow.
Then one day it occurred to me to look up. I'd never considered the Sun shining down on top of the canopy. It dawned in me that I had not done this: I did not create myself or this magnificent earth-forest. When I looked deeply into myself and into the broad and finite details of the forest, I was penetrated by a deep humility, and in that spirit, looked up in open-hearted gratitude.
A shaft of Light shone through an opening in the canopy, and for the first time I felt that Light penetrate into my heart and begin lifting me upward above the canopy, above the forest, above the towns, countryside and cities, above all the movements, accomplishments, failures and establishments of humankind in all history. I was taken onward in this Living Light, into another transcendent realm where I began to merge with the Light in ecstatic love, peace and freedom that were perfect and yet growing. The only shadow in this Light was a certain sorrow in my heart as I looked down upon the way I'd been living under the canopy, seeing so many others still scampering down those paths that I had traveled, knowing, now, where they led.
But in this Light, even that sorrow began to fade as I was led to a Cross, and a Holy One approaching it. He invited me to come into Him, and I was drawn like a meteor by earth's gravity, glad to feel myself being burned away, like that meteor, in the atmosphere of perfect peace and love—becoming one with the Light from which emanates all light. I still felt the heaviness of my own sin—my selfishness and laziness and weakness, as I felt myself being lifted up, with Him, on the Cross. I felt the blood, and with it my sin, draining out of my body. As it drained I felt lighter and freer than ever, with this ever-growing peace. I opened myself totally to this joyful death…. into Life!

And now, I am crucified with Christ, yet I live! And the Life I now live, I live by faith in Him who loves me and gave His Life for me. (Gal. 2:20). And now my path is like the light of dawn that is shining brighter and brighter toward the full light of day. [Proverbs 4:18].  

Blind Arrogance

He answered and said, “Whether He is a sinner or not I do not know. One thing I know: that though I was blind, now I see.”  ... (Spoken by the blind man whom Jesus healed.)
They answered and said to him, “You were completely born in sins, and are you teaching us?” And they cast him out.   John 9: 25,34 (The response of the blind and arrogant religious and political leaders of Jesus' day.)

There is a form of intellectual pride that despises the authority of Jesus. But it cannot refute the power of Christ to deliver, heal and set the soul free, so its only recourse is to repress Christianity with power. The enlightening story in John, Chapter 9 elucidates and exposes this prideful arrogance. And it is being demonstrated to a growing degree in American culture. This is evidenced in our Congress when potential candidates' constitutional rights are being violated by religious tests used to determine fitness of service; and, in this context, basic truths about the Christian faith are being labeled "intolerant" or "bigotry".  (Reference is made to Sen. Bernie Sanders confirmation hearing interview with Russell Vought, President Trump's nominee for deputy director of the Office of Management and Budget at See also:  )

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God." (Jesus, John 3:16-18)

The same Jesus who tells us that the God of this universe loves us enough to sacrifice His only Son for us, and who commands us to love each other and even to love and pray for our enemies (Mt.5:44), also tells us that those who reject Him are condemned. This is a Christian belief because Jesus stated it! We do not have the authority to change, subdue or minimize it; and any governmental entity that pressures us to do so is repressive and unconstitutional.
I emphasize that the Christian faith does not condone violence against unbelievers, and they have no need to fear it. Contrarily, it seems evident that, if the scales ever tilt in the direction of Islamic political power, sharia law will dominate, and Americans will get a taste of real intolerance, fortified by violence against "apostates and infidels". And the suppression of Christianity clears the field for this shift of power to occur. It is, therefore, suicidal, as far as democracy is concerned, to suppress the Christian faith--something our Founding Fathers were well aware of, prompting them to ascertain the free expression of religion and recognizing religion as a pillar of democracy. And the only religion they would have been referring to, evidenced in their writings, personal and public, is Christianity. Christianity, not just religion, is organic to democracy. And if that root is cut off or undernourished to the point of withering, democracy will also wither. Christianity is not intolerant. It has always and will always be a vital enhancer of freedom and quality of life when lived out according to its Founder and namesake. From this standpoint, any force that suppresses it is, at root, evil and contrary to ultimate human good.  Fear of Christianity is based on ignorance, as anyone who has a deep knowledge of Christ and His teachings can attest. Christ had, and has no interest in earthly power other than that rendered freely by His followers. He resisted being made a king. He came to deliver and give life; not to dominate and control. But those who see Him as He is, and come into His freedom, can never be made subject to the repressive powers of man's governments; which is why the Bible is excluded and Christ persecuted in every repressive nation on earth. And it is the Love of God, manifested through Christ's earthly body, that sends missionaries into these dark nations and cultures, even at the peril of their lives--to set them free! Not to dominate or control them. I state summarily, based upon a lifetime's devotion to Christ and His teachings and Spirit, and having had intimate contact with countless people who have followed Him to great avail, that anything--any power, person, corporation, governmental entity, etc.--that represses or diminishes or suppresses the sincere and bona fide following of Christ Jesus is a manifestation of evil in that it is contrary to the advancement of life, liberty and happiness in the human family that results from what Jesus called a "new birth" and "salvation". Billions of people have experienced this as an inner felt reality, to the point that they proselytized in the face of persecution; many to the point of death. Thankfully there is no man-made hammer big enough to destroy the Christian faith. All efforts only refine and strengthen it. As Jesus said, "The gates of hell shall not prevail against it."

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Warrior/Prophet Spirit

In the dark times, evil flaunts itself and struts across the stages of the world, and people applaud it as a new form of freedom. “Religion is repressive!” it shouts, and it gives some bona fide examples of this half-truth that sadly turns many away from the Source of Life, which is the only legitimate goal of true religion. But the pendulum swings too far—the baby is expelled with the bath water. In the name of “progress” the door is opened for all manner of evil to infiltrate the hearts of those who are bereft of the discernment of spiritual Truth—the Truth of Christ. His Spirit, the nation's immune system, no longer protects us from hatred, greed and fear; and all that's left is the struggle for power, Satan's counterfeit for the security that permeates a life of Love and the desire for the common good.

And so I'm angry. I'm angry because I love this nation that, to me, has been like the Promised Land, flowing with milk and honey. But even here, in a nation that professes to be “under God”, we see what happens when men don't pray and live with the humility that recognizes that human wisdom is not adequate. Human wisdom births the Vietnam war. Godly wisdom births the Civil Rights movement. Human wisdom births economic collapse corroded by greed. Godly wisdom births a government with built in checks and balances to protect from the corrosion of the love of power. Fear births weapons of mass destruction. Only Godly wisdom will protect us from their ultimate, insane use. Human wisdom cannot stop violence in the streets. Godly wisdom, flowing through the loyal Christian churches on those streets, takes a stand against that violence and imparts compassion and harmony. Human wisdom sees itself as the highest intellect, neglecting the fact that it did not create itself. It claims the conscious-less cosmic dust and gasses as its father—convenient for the narcissist, power monger and those who want no accountability. I'm angry because I see Christ and His teachings ignored or reviled—looked down upon as something “intolerant” or antiquated. I see Christianity being pushed into a corner. And it's time for the prophetic voice—the voice of Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Amos—to come forth warning those who are stumbling along the destructive path. It's time for hard heads, clear minds and compassionate hearts to stand forth firmly in the grace of Jesus, motivated only by His Love, overcoming the fear of public opinion, willing to be spat upon and responding with a prayer for their forgiveness; never returning evil for evil, but also not being overcome by evil either—overcoming evil with good; willing to die to all the world has to offer in order to infuse the Truth that only can ultimately save the world: The Truth of the Love of Jesus Christ and the desperate need for the power of His Holy Spirit in order to prosper in the ways of the soul. This is the true Peaceful Warrior Spirit that Christ will impart to us if we look to Him, open our hearts to Him and trust Him. Remember, He is our only totally trustworthy Guide. He is our Friend. He gave His life for us. And He loves those who consider us their enemies. If we remain in Him, we are safe from the evils of this world, even if we are martyred. Outside His Spirit is only “weeping and gnashing of teeth,” beautiful houses built on sand and doomed to fall. In Him we are “more than conquerors.” We will not fail! Abide in Christ!

Wednesday, October 11, 2017


It seems that governing this great and amazing nation has regressed into a power struggle between two political parties. The pursuit of the common good  gets lost in this power struggle. And whatever good there may be in the opposing party's pursuits is neglected, overlooked or minimized; because to acknowledge anything good in the opposing party relinquishes a certain amount of power to them.
The pursuit of power is motivated by either fear, greed or the sincere desire to work for the good of humankind. Those who are motivated by fear or greed always pretend to be motivated by the common good, unless their power becomes so secure that they no longer need to pretend. Fear and greed polarize people and groups--drives them into their opposing corners and causes them to do irrational things like demonize and hate each other.
To give a certain segment of society--a lobbying group or any group working to accumulate  political power. for instance insurance companies or pharmaceutical companies--to give this group what it desires and is lobbying for may not be in the best interest of the common good. In fact, if the group is motivated by fear or greed, its pursuits are not likely to be for the common good. It is therefore incumbent upon a free nation to insure that no individual lobbying group gain enough power to elect a candidate or prevent the election of a candidate. This is especially true if such group is motivated by greed or fear. This is a form of balancing power--something our Founding Fathers were obviously concerned about. This is primarily a duty of the general populace in a democratic society--a manifestation of government "by the people." It is the duty of the voting population to not be motivated by fear or greed, but rather by the Love of Jesus Christ.  If the general public regresses into greed, fear or spiritual apathy, there is no form of government that can provide its happiness and prosperity. This is one reason why evangelism is so important. There will never be a powerful enough police force to subdue a large number of sociopaths. The laws and walls of government can not withstand the pressure exerted by large numbers of people motivated by greed and fear. If we do not grow psycho-spiritually, we will not police ourselves. And if we do not police ourselves, someone will.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Responding to Persecution

We sense God's presence:
I will never leave you or forsake you. Heb 13:5

We are encouraged knowing that others are praying for us:
I thank God, whom I serve with a clear conscience as my ancestors did, when I constantly remember you in my prayers night and day. 2 Tim 1:3

We thankfully receive the comfort that God offers us:
May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who has loved us and given us eternal encouragement and good hope by grace, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good work and word. 2Th 2: 16-17

We pray for God to open doors to evangelism:
Devote yourselves to prayer; stay alert in it with thanksgiving.
At the same time, pray also for us that God may open a door to us for the word, to speak the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains, Col 4:2-3

We are bold in sharing the gospel:
And now, Lord, consider their threats, and grant that your servants may speak your word with all boldness,” Acts 4:29

We forgive and pray for those who work against the Gospel and who persecute us:
But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,...” Mt 5:44

We pray for and receive wisdom in our ministries:
Now if any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God  who gives to all generously and ungrudgingly and it will be given to him. Jas 1:5

We remain joyful amid suffering:
Then they went out from the presence of the Sanhedrin, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to be treated shamefully on behalf of the Name (of Jesus). Act 5:41

We continue to mature in our faith:
We proclaim him, warning and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone mature in Christ. I labor for this, striving with his strength that works powerfully in me. Col. 1:28-29

We remain rooted in God's Word:
All Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, for training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.
2Tim 3:16-17

Taken from "The Voice of the Martyrs" 

Antisemitism in Old Testament

Psalm 83 was written 1000 years before Christ, and it seems to have no historical context for that time. Does it have a context now? Bible scholar J. Vernon Magee comments that it seems to be looking to the future.

Regarding “Antisemitism”:

"See how your enemies make an uproar;
those who hate you have acted arrogantly.
They devise clever schemes against your people;
they conspire against your treasured ones.
They say, “Come, let us wipe them out as a nation
so that Israel’s name will no longer be remembered.”
For they have conspired with one mind;
they form an alliance against you —
the tents of Edom and the Ishmaelites,
Moab and the Hagrites,
Gebal, Ammon, and Amalek,
Philistia with the inhabitants of Tyre.
Even Assyria has joined them;
they lend support to the sons of Lot. Selah"

Psa 83: 2-8

Saturday, September 30, 2017

LCA 2017 Handouts

LCA Conference 2017, Session 18
Mark Graham, M.Div., Ed.D., LPC-S, Licensed, Ordained Minister of the Christian Gospel

Some questions for intake form:
1. Do you have a religious affiliation?
2. Is faith in God an important factor in your life?
3. Would you like to incorporate prayer and Scripture into our sessions?

Prayer: {example. To be read or spoken at beginning of session, with client's permission}
Holy Father/Lord Jesus/Heavenly Father:
Thank You for giving us life. We recognize that we did not create ourselves nor this beautiful earth that supplies all we need for biological existence. We are thankful for the gift of life. And thank You for the beauty that is all around us. Help us to see this beauty, and to recognize it as a gift of love from You. Thank you for the amazing gift of manhood and womanhood, children and family life. We need look no farther than that to know that You truly love us. Thank You for the gifts of music and humor. Thank You that we can laugh ...and cry. Thank You for the gift of feelings. Even though some of them are
difficult and painful, we know that emotions are a gift also. Please help us to be mindful of our eternal souls—our heart-of-hearts—and to cultivate Love and good will, as You have commanded us, so that we can avail ourselves of the gifts you have promised us: abundant life, peace and joy. Please help us measure our spiritual growth by how well we are loving others, and how much we are growing in the inner experience of peace, joy and abundant life. We accept that this life will not be easy. You told us we would have tribulation in this world. We know that to be true. But You also commanded us to, nevertheless, be of good cheer for You have overcome the world. And You are in us and we are in You, therefore we also overcome the trials and tribulations of life. Help us therefore to maintain a vibrant hope. We renew our commitment to love the people in our sphere of influence. Whatever our suffering, may we rest assured that we can fulfill Your purposes in our lives. We pray Your blessings upon this session. Please focus us on those things that will be most helpful for our spiritual growth in all areas that are most pleasing to You. Help us to be mindful of Your love for us and for all in our sphere of influence. May our lives always be guided by your Love, Truth and Goodness.
In Christ's Holy name,

Example of Post-Session [closing] Prayer:
Lord we thank You for the opportunity to open our hearts deeply in this way, knowing that You are with us to help us deal with whatever has come forth in a healthy and healing manner. Whatever Truth has come forth in this session, may it be a seed planted in the fertile, receptive soil of our souls. May it take root and grow, bearing the fruit of Your Spirit within us: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-control. May we be more of everything You created us to become for having gathered ourselves here. May Your will be done in our hearts and minds and lives, and on earth, as it is in Heaven. And may Your Name be praised forever and ever.

An alternative prayer to be prayed slowly; meditatively:

Jesus promised to be with “two or more who are gathered in my name.” {Matthew 18:20}
Lord, we are gathered in your name.
Thank you for your presence with us.
We ask you to give each of us here a deep inner sense of your presence—your Spirit—your profound love for us and for everyone in our sphere of influence.
You have encouraged us to ask, in your name, for what we need. {John 14:13}
We ask for wisdom, and that we might be guided by your Love and Truth.
Help us to face our fears.
Help us see ourselves as we truly are, especially our sinful natures that are weak and blind.
Help us to remember that you love us despite our faults, and are ready to help us overcome.
Help us not to condemn ourselves as we look honestly into our souls.
Thank you for forgiveness and grace!
In obedience to you we also forgive all who have hurt us in any way.
Keep us in your perfect peace. Amen


Regarding the primary goal of the Christian life:

Greater love has no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command you. This I command you: that you love one another; as I have loved you, love one another. [Jesus] John 15:12-14

Love your enemies. Bless those who curse you. Do good to those who hate you; and pray for those who despitefully use you and persecute you, that you may be the children of your Father in heaven. [Jesus] Matthew 5:44-45.

Jesus said to him, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and most important command.
The second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.
All the Law and the Prophets depend on these two commands.” Matthew 22:37-40

Beloved let us love one another, for love is of God and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. He who does not love does not know God for God is love. 1John 4:7-8

St. Augustine: "Since love grows within you, so beauty grows. For love is the beauty of the soul."
de Chardin: “Someday, after mastering the wind, the waves, the tides and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of love; and then, for a second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire.”

Some powerful verses that are liberating and healing:
In the world you will have tribulation; nevertheless be of good cheer. I have overcome the world.
{John 16:33} Breaks down a mindset of entitlement—to life being easier. Moves us toward acceptance of the innate difficulty of life; and, paradoxically, diminishes suffering—the suffering of non-acceptance. Cheerfulness is a choice.

I am in you, you in me, and I in the Father. {John 14:20} We also can overcome the world! He is in us. This is profound for those who can receive it.

There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. {Romans 8:1} God does not condemn those who have recognized in Christ's Love the solution to their own and the world's problems, and are peacefully motivated to walk in the Light of that Truth. We must not condemn ourselves or others, nor receive it from others. To condemn is to judge as damnable; render a guilty verdict.

Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. {Proverbs 4:23}
We can guard our hearts from toxic relational energy: blame, verbal abuse, criticism, etc.

If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. {1John 1:8-9} Breaks down denial. Heals guilt and shame. Emphasize “cleanse”.

Who perceives his unintentional sins? Cleanse me from my hidden faults. {Psalms 19:12} The writer shows great wisdom in acknowledging character defects that have not come into consciousness. C.G. Jung — 'Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.'

Love your enemies, bless those who curse you; do good to those who hate you and pray for those who despitefully use you, that you may be the children of your Father in heaven. {Matthew 5:44}
This is helpful for Christian couples who have “fallen out of love” or who don't feel love toward each other. De-emphasizes the romantic concept of love. Also for anyone trapped in hatred of any person. We can hate sin; but not a person. Love is a choice. Jesus, in his love for us, gives us no excuse not to love.

We know that in everything God works for good with those who love him, who are called according to his purpose. {Romans 8:28}
Sometimes we can see the good that comes from our suffering; sometimes not. Faith reminds us that we will, at some point, see the good in all of it.
Can you find some redeeming value in your tribulations/sufferings? Then there is something to be thankful for---which justifies the following verse:

Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. {1 Thessalonians 5:18} If we didn't learn a lot today, at least we learned a little. And if we didn't learn anything, at least we didn't get sick. And if we got sick, at least we didn't die.” There is always something to be thankful for, and there is always something to complain about. The choice is ours.

Why is it so easy for you to see the speck in your brother's [spouse's] eye, but so difficult to see the beam in your own eye. Don't be a hypocrite. Get the beam out of your own eye first, then you can see more clearly how to help your loved one get the speck out of there's. {Matthew 7:3-5}
Addresses the blame and defense dynamic: “It's not me; it's you.” Helps couples learn to lead with confession rather than criticism or blame.

Brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. {Philippians 4:8} So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. [2Cor.4:18].
Here is a major component of CBT—the cognitive component—that calls us into mindfulness. What composes our thought life? Peace is promised [Phil 4:9] if we shift our thinking toward lovely, admirable, etc. things and toward the unseen, vs. seen aspects of life. The qualities of suffering [fear, dread, anger, despair, hopelessness] are unseen, as are the qualities of healthy personality [love, joy, peace, freedom].

Do not return evil for evil, nor be overcome by evil; but rather overcome evil with good.
Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Give careful thought to do what is honorable in everyone’s eyes. Rom 12:17,21 Helpful for any believer caught in a desire for vengeance or wanting to hurt someone who has hurt him/her. Couples frequently get caught in this cycle of returning hurt for hurt. This, along with the command to “love your enemies” [Mt. 5:44] frees us from being controlled by the character defects of our loved ones [or "enemies"]. Sometimes this returning evil for evil is being lived out passive-aggressively.

Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. {Phlp 4:6-7} There is no fear in love; instead, perfect love drives out fear, because fear involves punishment. So the one who fears is not complete in love. {1John 4:18}
If we pray about the things we would otherwise worry about, and practice a chosen gratitude, peace will supplant anxiety/worry over time. I tell my clients to upgrade worry to healthy “concern.” Never say “I'm worried about….” but rather “I'm concerned about...” Love and gratitude are the enemies of fear and anxiety.

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers of this darkness, against evil, spiritual forces in the heavens. {Eph 6:12}
Our struggle is not against our wife, husband, boss, co-workers, parents, siblings, etc. The struggle is with whatever any of these people can evoke within us. This transforms interpersonal conflict into spiritual warfare—and potentially growth. Remember, Jesus commands us to love our enemies.

Regarding depression:

Then He [Jesus] said to them, “My soul is exceedingly sorrowful, even to death. Stay here and watch with Me.” {Mat 26:38} Jesus experienced deep sorrow—-but continued to love.
We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair;
persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed— {2Co 4:9} There is a foundation underneath all sorrow and hardship below which we cannot fall. “The house stands.” {Mt7:25} We can actually rest in our depression

The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set free the oppressed… {Luk 4:18} Jesus promises freedom from oppression. What is oppressing your clients? What is oppressing you?

Take up my yoke and learn from me, because I am lowly and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Mat 11:29-30 Regarding self-care: The way that Jesus wants us to love each other will never excessively drain or deplete us. His yoke is easy, His burden light.

I try to get my clients to measure their growth by how well they are loving their people and by how much more peace, joy, and abundance of life they are experiencing. To make these traits a conscious part of our growth is very powerful.

Regarding Forgiveness: Mt 18: 23-35

Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there will ever be to know and understand.” Albert Einstein

Imagine that you thoroughly believed in the one and only God of this universe:
A conscious being Who IS LOVE! Light; Freedom; Peace; Joy; ultimate Truth; Eternal; Infinitely Wise and Powerful.
The God of Jesus Christ. A Loving Parent Who commands us to love each other but Who chooses not to control us, but rather gives us freedom, even to do evil.
Who gives us His Holy Spirit as an internal Guide and empowerment to live a truly successful life regardless of circumstances, history, or upbringing.
Who promises to be with us always, even to the end of the world.
Who promises to bring us to a place of spiritual completion—the fulfillment of our heart's desires.
Who tells us plainly that we will have tribulation, but that we can overcome it all by abiding in His Spirit.
Who is working ALL things together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. Rom 8:28
Who loves others as much as He loves you; and holds you accountable for how you treat them.
Who can and will spiritually protect you from being defeated by evil.
Who promises peace, joy, abundant and eternal life!
Who offers rest for the beleaguered soul.
Imagine that you had come to know, through and beyond doubt, that this is Truth. And that this Truth had dawned in you like a sunrise, and was now rising higher, like the sun going toward the full light of day.
Feel the Power of that Truth to set you free. The God of the entire universe is the Creator and origin of all Love: mother love, father love, brother and sister love, man-woman love…
That the God of the universe actually is this love—magnified by the power that could create a billion galaxies!
Imagine that you regularly called yourself into a mindfulness of this Reality; lived in the Light of it; peacefully bound yourself to it through devotional living, loving service, meditation and prayer. Imagine that you did all this with a growing peace and confidence born out of honestly and carefully facing doubts and fears; that you had looked deeply into the alternatives of Faith and found them all lacking and untenable. And that now, flowers, birds and children could call you into a place of delight, gratitude and deeper faith.
Imagine that when disaster blindsided you through a death or a diagnosis, you accepted it peacefully as one of the tribulations that your Lord had prepared you for; and you began immediately, without denial or minimization, finding blessings amid the tribulation.
Imagine that you knew that your reason for being here was to learn to love, and to practice and perfect this love; and that your God and Creator knew this about your heart, and was well-pleased with you, even though your practice was weak and very imperfect. [This is Grace!]
Imagine that what those who've had near death experiences are telling us is true: That there is indescribable love, peace and completion on the other side of death; to such an extent that a loving mother does not have a desire to return to her children in this earth-life.
Imagine that you are free – with an infinite and growing freedom that is not based on politics or nationality or circumstances; a freedom that can not be taken away from you because it transcends earthly realities.

Imagine that the God of All has revealed Himself as our Friend!

Wednesday, September 27, 2017


Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there will ever be to know and understand.” Albert Einstein

Imagine that you thoroughly believed in the one and only God of this universe:
A conscious being Who IS LOVE! Light; Freedom; Peace; Joy; ultimate Truth; Eternal; Infinitely Wise and Powerful.
The God of Jesus Christ. A Loving Parent Who commands us to love each other but Who chooses not to control us, but rather gives us freedom, even to do evil.
Who gives us His Holy Spirit as an internal Guide and empowerment to live a truly successful life regardless of circumstances, history, or upbringing.
Who promises to be with us always, even to the end of the world.
Who promises to bring us to a place of spiritual completion—the fulfillment of our heart's desires.
Who tells us plainly that we will have tribulation, but that we can overcome it all by abiding in His Spirit.
Who is working ALL things together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. Rom 8:28
Who loves others as much as He loves you; and holds you accountable for how you treat them.
Who can and will spiritually protect you from being defeated by evil.
Who promises peace, joy, abundant and eternal life!
Who offers rest for the beleaguered soul.
Imagine that you had come to know, through and beyond doubt, that this is Truth. And that this Truth had dawned in you like a sunrise, and was now rising higher, like the sun in the sky going toward the full light of day.
Feel the Power of that Truth to set you free. The God of the entire universe is the Creator and origin of all Love: mother love, father love, brother and sister love, man-woman love…
That the God of the universe actually is this love—magnified by the power that could create a billion galaxies!
Imagine that you regularly called yourself into a mindfulness of this Reality; lived in the Light of it; peacefully bound yourself to it through devotional living, loving service, meditation and prayer. Imagine that you did all this with a growing peace and confidence born out of honestly and carefully facing doubts and fears; that you had looked deeply into the alternatives of Faith and found them all lacking and untenable. And that now, flowers, birds and children could call you into a place of delight, gratitude and deeper faith.
Imagine that when disaster blindsided you through a death or a diagnosis, you accepted it peacefully as one of the tribulations that your Lord had prepared you for; and you began immediately, without denial or minimization, finding blessings amid the tribulation.
Imagine that you knew that your reason for being here was to learn to love, and to practice and perfect this love; and that your God and Creator knew this about your heart, and was well-pleased with you, even though your practice was weak and very imperfect. [This is Grace!]
Imagine that what those who've had near death experiences are telling us is true: That there is indescribable love, peace and completion on the other side of death; to such an extent that a loving mother does not have a desire to return to this earth-life.
Imagine that you are free – with an infinite and growing freedom that is not based on politics or nationality or circumstances; a freedom that can not be taken away from you because it transcends earthly realities.

Imagine that the God of All has revealed Himself as our Friend!

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Grace and Power

2 Tim. 2:1
You, therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.
Act 4:33
With great power the apostles were giving testimony to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and great grace was on all of them.
Act 6:8
Now Stephen, full of grace and power, was performing great wonders and signs among the people.
2Co 12:9
But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is perfected in weakness.”
Therefore, I will most gladly boast all the more about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may reside in me.
Eph 3:7
I was made a servant of this gospel by the gift of God's grace that was given to me by the working of his power.

There is holy power associated with grace! What is this power?
Take some time to think about every aspect of evil, especially your own weaknesses, character defects, besetting sins that you cannot, no matter how hard you try, overcome. [Remember, 1Jo 1:8
If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.”]
Place it all together---all evil, all darkness, everything you are in denial about or don't want people to know about you, all worry, all oppression—and envision it as darkness that you are pushing down into a corner of your soul. But it continues to invade your heart and mind. Like viruses and bacteria, it continues to infect, penetrate, and drain your life and make you sick with shame or guilt or fear.
See this darkness. See it clearly.
Now see the Light of God's Grace shining through Jesus Christ; shining from above down into that darkness and driving it farther and farther away—as the East from the West; making you clean and free and pure as the spirit of Christ Himself—His righteousness being imparted to you by God—cleansing you from all unrighteousness. Allow yourself to inwardly experience this cleansing Grace on every level of your being. This is not denial. This is not rationalizing. This is God's unspeakable Love manifesting through His Grace offered through faith in Jesus Christ!
Now notice that there is no condemnation. God is not condemning you. You must not condemn yourself, nor receive condemnation from any human. This grace penetrates down deep where the shame of your life's litany of failures has pooled like toxic waste in the bottom of your soul. A miracle transforms that waste into healthy soil in which the seeds of Truth and Grace take root and grow quickly, producing the Fruit of the Holy Spirit in you: Peace, Love, Joy…. No man can condemn you! You are free! Free to love with the Love of Christ!
It is only God's Grace that frees us from the power of sin: No herculean marathon of good deeds. And no massive wall of denial can ever extricate us from what is being denied. Only this Light of Grace can penetrate and drive away that darkness.
Paradoxically, we discover that, when liberated from denial and shame, we can love better! The draining energy of shame, guilt, and fear is transformed into peace, gratitude, and love. And since we do not want our testimony to be blotted by our character defects, we ask Him to purify us from our besetting sins. We do not want to be hypocrites. We continue to confess our sins before God and mature others, but we do not live in condemnation or shame. We live in forgiveness and Grace. We accept the righteousness of Christ, even though we are sinners. Others in the world may seem freer than us in their denial, but we do not see their inner soul. We must not compare ourselves to the unredeemed—or to anyone for that matter. We must simply abide in Christ and in the Truth that He reveals to us in His infinite Love for His creation and all humankind. In Christ we have the power to be the sons and daughters of God—His children, in whom He is well pleased!
Gal 3:26 For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus.