Let consenting adults, in a democratic society, have sex privately however they choose as long as no one is hurt, taken advantage of, or abused.
And let Christians express their religion according to their Holy Book, their Lord Jesus Christ, and their conscience. But let not the freedom of sexual expression usurp the free expression of religious beliefs. Sexuality, for the sake of modesty, our children, and civil discourse, is and ought to be a private matter--not something to be flaunted in the public domain. Religion, on the other hand, has a responsibility to be light and leaven in any culture; and though it can not be imposed on others, and should never be belligerent or arrogant, must be given free expression of its true beliefs. Our Founding Fathers, and the wise of all ages have recognized the preserving and life-enhancing effect of religion--not imposed, but freely expressed in any culture. When the doctrines and beliefs of Christianity are suppressed by the laws of the state, labeled "intolerant" or "hateful", we have clearly violated our Constitution, which leans much more heavily toward freedom of religion than it does toward freedom of sexual expression.
Let adults live out their sexuality however they choose within the confines of modesty and civility. And let the religious be religious. But let not the State forcefully impose the one upon the other. The Constitution expressly grants religious freedom, but only implies freedom of sexual expression. To require the Christian organizations and ministries in our country to violate their conscience and Biblical doctrines--forcing them to support what they believe are unholy activities--is to pressure them to withdraw from any ministries that would require such violations. This would create a vacuum of services for which the government would have to compensate [with tax dollars, of course], or simply deprive the citizenry of those services. It would, also, further marginalize the beneficent influence of the Christian faith into an isolated corner of society where it would be less effective in enhancing life for all people--even those who do not believe in its Truth. Jesus described His influence as "salt, light, and yeast" in a culture. Historically we have seen that the Christian faith, lived out in the Spirit of the One for which it is named, has never failed to enhance freedom, peace, and abundant life: the very things Christ Himself promised. Christianity cannot be a belligerent or violent religion. Jesus teaches us to love our enemies [Mt.:5:44]. The Bible teaches obedience to the laws of man, as long as they do not contradict the Law of God and His Love for the human family. But if pressed into a decision to obey the laws of man or those of God, courageous Christians have no choice but to follow the latter. Christians disobey ungodly laws with civility, as the Freedom Riders in the Civil Rights Movement.
The laws we speak of here are only those laws that force us to contribute to anything considered ungodly by Biblical standards. We are not saying that homosexuals cannot be homosexuals. We are saying that we cannot be forced to treat and think of homosexuality as anything other than sin, which is what the Bible clearly states it to be [Gen.19, Lev.18, Rom.1]. And we cannot be asked to keep quiet about this belief, which is equivalent to "muzzling" the church, as did Adolf Hitler in Nazi Germany, and as does the communist regime of China. [Are we really "one nation under God"?].
Jesus commanded His followers to teach and preach--to let His Light shine among men [Mat.5], and not to be ashamed of His teachings [Lk 9:26]. Man made laws that forbid such teaching and preaching will drive a wedge between all true Christians and the maker of those laws. [This, incidentally, is absolutely not what the concept of "separation of church and state" is designed to invoke. I invite you, if you have doubts about this, to look into it. http://www.wallbuilders.com/libissuesarticles.asp?id=123 . ] Some who are pushing the homosexual agenda hold that Jesus' Love transcends the law, and therefore, as long as one loves, his sexuality does not matter. Whatever truth there may be in this, Jesus Himself said "I do not come to abolish the law, but to fulfill it. ...[U]ntil heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the law until everything is accomplished." [Mat. 5:17] Note that Jesus did not make any comment excluding the sexual laws in Leviticus 18. Furthermore, if a person with same sex attractions were living in the Love of God as exemplified by Christ, he certainly would not be using hateful tactics to drive his agenda down people's throats; nor would he be attacking and trying to suppress the free exercise of speech for those who opposed his viewpoint. One should not, therefore, invoke the Love of Christ against those toward whom he is unwilling to practice it.
I want to emphasize that Christians are not, as has been alleged by some, singling out homosexuality as some kind of specially heinous sin to be particularly attacked. We feel the same way about adultery, lying, cheating, stealing, pedophilia, drunkenness, cruelty, meanness, laziness, abuse, etc. The difference is, [and what brings homosexuality into the light of Christian focus] as far I know, no one is saying that those other sinful traits listed are god-ordained, healthy, and holy ways of living; and that no one should assert otherwise. It is this assertion--that homosexuality is natural, healthy, and equivalent to heterosexuality--that Christians must take issue with if they are seeking to live according to the Holy Bible and the Truth of Christ. Christians cannot hate homosexuals any more than they can assent to the homosexual lifestyle. To do so [hate homosexuals] would be as grave a violation of our Lord's commands as would assenting to the lifestyle. On the contrary, Christians have compassion for homosexuals who suffer like all other human beings. And Christians do not dictate to homosexuals that they cannot live the lifestyle they choose. We do not have the authority under God to do so. What Christians must do, whether allowed by the laws of man or not, is to proclaim truthfully what the Bible says, which we believe to be the eternal Word of the Creator, Who loves us all, whatever our sexual orientation, but Who has clearly and expressly, evidenced by our biological makeup, created sex to be between a man and a woman.
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