Wednesday, January 24, 2018

"Background Unhappiness"

This I command you: that you love one another as I have loved you. Love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who despitefully use you and persecute you.
Peace I give to you; my peace I give to you; not as the world gives give I unto you. [Jesus, John 14:27, 13:34, Luke 6:27-8]

Our delusions and pathology are exposed and burned away as we practice consciously and peacefully loving with the Love of Christ. Whatever keeps you from loving people is your pathology [not theirs]; and whatever blocks your peace composes your delusions. Eckhart Tolle speaks of “background unhappiness”. This is a very helpful concept for us. When we “be still and know that He is God”, we are blessed with a deepening awareness of our self—our inner being. If we listen deeply we may hear the “noise” of certain unhappiness, like background noise that we become so accustomed to that we don't even notice it. Maybe it was in the environment into which we were born, so we have never been free of this “noise” and therefore consider it normal. But Jesus determines what is normal for us; and He declares peace and Love to us. Perhaps the most important aspect of our ongoing sanctification is to discern this unhappy, disquieting “noise” and to allow the Holy Spirit to progressively turn down the volume. This “noise”, as Eckhart relates, is fueled by certain, largely unconscious, thoughts or subterranean beliefs. Some examples from my experience as a counselor are:
  • Something is not right. I need something that I am not getting. When I get it, I can rest.
  • Something is coming up on the horizon that I will not be able to handle, or that is very dreadful. I must stay braced up against it to protect myself.
  • Something happened in the past that makes it impossible for me to experience true peace. I am damaged beyond repair.
  • A person [or some group of people] either did not do or are not doing what they were/are supposed to do, therefore I can not have peace.
  • I made a mistake that has trapped me in this place of unhappiness.
  • Life or people are going to require more of me than I will be able to supply. I may be inadequate for the task of life.
  • I have been treated unfairly and someone has to pay. I am a victim.
  • Those who have more power and authority than me are not handling things properly, therefore I must suffer.
  • Others in my life are unhappy and I am responsible. I cannot have peace until they are healed.
  • I should be doing more than I am doing, but I'm not sure exactly what or how.
  • I know that things are not right, but I don't have time now to figure out what to do about it. I must keep running to survive.
  • I am a dreadful failure but I must not let others know. I must prove that they are worse than me, because it's really not my fault that I am a failure anyway.

If you look deeply into your soul, you are likely to discover one or more of these or other unconscious peace-destroying messages polluting your mind. Jesus methodically exposes, then destroys them all. “Peace I give to you. My peace I give to you. Not as the world gives give I unto you.” This is a direct gift from Christ to you; there are no prerequisites except faith.

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