I challenge you to take some time just now to list your sins in your mind. I am thinking particularly of the sins that you may be reluctant to acknowledge because you know that you are likely to commit them again; they are "besetting" sins; sins that you have confessed before, yet they persist. List these in your mind. Take time and be thorough and complete in this..... Be courageous enough to bring them firmly to the forefront of your mind.
Now visualize these as a stain on the window of your soul---the window through which you so desire the Love of Christ to shine through, out into the world. These stains dim the Light of His Love shining out of you. And your hidden shame and guilt only add to the opaqueness of those stains. And your denial transforms you into a caricature of your true self--an inauthentic being.
Now, with all the truth and humility you can muster from the depths of your soul, offer these up to Christ. Plead for His mercy, because you know that, on your own, you will never overcome them. Bow before Him with the spirit of the blind man on the side of the road who cried out in a loud voice "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!" Cast aside all prideful dignity. Know how blind and helpless you are, just like that blind beggar. Keep crying out for His mercy until you are sure that you desire it more than the air that you breathe, more than all human love and comfort. Sit for a time in that holy desire.
Then see Him approaching. He takes in His scarred hand the edge of His blood-stained robe and lovingly wipes away that stain on the window of your soul. "This is my Grace," He says. "I do not condemn you. Your faith has made you whole, and My Word in you cleanses you from all uncleanness. Do not claim a righteousness of your own. Acknowledge before people that you are free from guilt and shame only because of the righteousness that I have bought for you at Calvary. When you acknowledge your sinful state, abiding in My Grace, your sins no longer dim My Light shining into and through you, and you become a suitable vessel for the Eternal Truth that sets men free.
You are free! Rejoice in this freedom. Celebrate it. Be eternally thankful for it. And share it diligently with all who have the ears to hear and the eyes to see."
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