Rather than using our precious, God-given minds to complain, worry or criticize, we should use them to think about how to love people with the Love of Jesus Christ, and thereby help to move the human family a little further down the Kingdom Road.
In order to make this marvellous shift, we must first allow ourselves to be placed in a third-person perspective, so to speak. In other words, we must become aware of our mind, and what is going on there. We can live and die complaining and fretting, and never wake up to the realization that we are creating a negative life for ourselves--and others. We must climb up, out of the river of our thought-stream, onto the bank, and look carefully, non-judgmentally, curiously and compassionately at what is flowing in that stream. At some point, we become aware that we are sitting in a very important place--a place that God is calling us into. We begin to see that when we were caught up in the stream, we were lost--lost in our own mind, our own perceptions; and that we were not seeing Reality as it is, but rather through the lens formulated by our genes, culture and experiences--most of which we had no control over. If we look at history, we see that whole nations and widely-accepted ideologies have taken the human family in dark and destructive directions because of this mindlessness. We realize that we can see things from a new perspective. And if we have enough humility to try to divest ourselves of the ego that has been leading us around in the darkness, we can see things from the perspective of Universal Truth--the perspective of Christ. When we climb up out of the river of what we mistakenly thought was our "self" we discover a broad expanse that is open to the universe. We discover that we are, even now, in God. He is omnipresent. He fills up the universe that He created. Jesus said, "I and my Father [Creator, God] are one.....and I am in you, and you are in me." [John 10:30; 14:20] The Wisdom, Love and Power of the Living Word is in you; and you are one with Him. The work of what the Bible calls the "world" is to keep us distracted from this place of understanding, this At-one-ment with Christ, Who is God, Who is Love, Peace, Freedom and Eternal Life. This is the universal perspective that Christ, if we allow Him, brings us to. In this place of the Spirit, every fiber of our being is transformed, like a caterpillar [created by the same God that you are now experiencing more deeply] into a butterfly. It is not a partial conversion; it is more like becoming Light--like frozen ice melting into water. It is like a molecular transformation. But this is not what we seek, that is, this transformation. We are not trying to have a transformation; we are simply trying to wake up. The transformation is the by-product of consciously going toward God. The Bible says "Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you." [Jam 4:8] Jesus said, "Seek and you will find; knock and it will opened to you, ask and you will receive." [Matthew 7:7]. Ask Him for His perspective, and He will bring you back to a new you.
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